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Anyone got Cream Legbars???

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I am considering expanding my flock with a cream legbar, mainly for the blue egg! :lol:

Can anyone tell me about their temperament size of egg and laying frequency??

We have 3 Orps and a Maran, all really tame, so would want another "moochy" chook with large, frequent eggs. Does the cream legbar fit the bill?

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My year old CL's eggs are medium sized, and 8 month old's are small pullet eggs still. They both lay about 5 days a week and are very friendly and easy to handle but I hatched them which helps - others have said they can be quite squawky and nervy.

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My CL was pretty friendly and layed about 5 medium sized blue eggs during last summer. She stopped in the autumn when she moulted, layed 3 in January but we have seen none since :roll::roll: Hope she may actually get back into it eventually, but no sign as yet. On the plus side, she has never been broody :lol:

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We have two cream Legbars, which arrived about two weeks ago. They are about 28weeks old now. They are both laying (about 50g) sized eggs about 4/5 days per week. I guess this does not really help you, as I'm sure you really wanted to know about adult birds.


Both of our Cream Legbars are really friendly. If you go to the nest box while they are laying by mistake, they sit there happily being petted!!! I always think they look like they have a hairnet on there heads, cos of how there feathers are :lol: . They get on really well with all our other chooks, and are the first up each morning.


We also have the Lavender Arucana (another blue egg layer) however they only lay about once per week and they are the same age!


Not sure this is a very good picture, but here is a picture of Minstral




Hope this helps and good luck with your new chook




Edited to add:

Sorry forgot to resize photo, any mod care to do for me? Thanks.

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My Cream Legbar lays 6 gorgeous eggs a week at the moment, they are around 56g.


She was the youngest by far when we got all the chooks - and if the others tried to pick on her she could move out of the way fast! :D


She is still flighty, very fast (hard to catch :roll: ) and would take a great circle round you rather than come to you when you've got a handful of treats.


She's a quiet chook though and I'd have another, there is just something about blue eggs :D



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I love my Cream Legbar Clover. She is a young hen & lays a lovely blue egg nearly every day (piccys of hen & eggs in my gallery,link below)


She is very,very pretty but not the most confident of my hens. However,mine are such a bullish lot it makes Clover seem quite genteel & ladylike by comparison :lol:

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Ours lays well when she feels like it, but takes a lot of time off. The eggs are small and we get about five a week when she is laying. She was viciously broody (literally, I have bloody marks on the back of my hands where she pecked me) for a month, but that was the only time, and we've had her nearly a year.

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