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Oh what a beautiful morning

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I leapt out of bed at 6.30, despite having a heavy cold and feeling a bit groggy. The reason? I'd started thinking about work, always a bad thing to do on a Saturday, and got very cross about something which is absolutely pointless as I can't do anything about it till Monday. It did get me going, though!


I put the time to good use, I've made a batch of biscuits and a fruit cake (having a tea-party tomorrow), done a load of washing which I may even hang OUTSIDE for the first time this year, and now I'm going to fill in a job application online. And it's not even 9.00 yet - hopefully by ten I'll be outside letting the bad girls out of the slammer and seeing if I can squirt Sadie every time she pecks one of the others!


Tis indeed a lovely day. It's going to pour with rain later so make the most of it!

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Spoke too soon, didn't I? It has just started raining here. Just a shower but only 30 mins to go until my course :evil::roll:


*gets out the brolly*


I thought that you spoke to soon Christian. It has gone very overcast here to :( Looks like it is going to tip down. I have an open house today in hope of selling it :roll:


Good luck with the course :wink:

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It's gorgeous here too! I've just cleaned my ladies out and poor Jenny had her legs crossed wanting to get in to lay, she was really trying to hurry me up (Helga and Nina had already "been")

I think I might risk putting my potatoes in now! Is Spring here? Is it? Is it?


The forecast isn't good though is it? BUT good for potatoes!!

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lol thats more than i have done just catching up on american idol lol its horrible and grey here today and i'm sick of soggy Aubiose and thats with a covered run. I thought i'd change it today but weather looks the same for next coupe of days so probably not worth it.

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How did it go Eglutine? & what's involved in a hen party? Just wondered as I enjoyed having an eglu visitor.

Weather terrible here now :( We just had a walk to the shop for some double cream to make butter with & some nice crusty rolls for breakfast with jam! Think of us both shaking our little pants off making the butter!!! :lol:



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