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Gene Advice Please =-)

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Ey up Paola? :lol: Got some explaining to do? Just kidding!


Yes, if they carry the gene.


Found this on 'tinterweb.


Although not common, two blue-eyed parents can produce children with brown eyes," says Richard A. Sturm, a Principal Research Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.



Blue eyes can take on other colors from reflected light.


Eye color is a complex trait that depends on the state of several interacting genes. The gene that usually decides the issue (blue eyes or brown eyes) is the OCA2 gene on chromosome 15. But it comes in different strengths. A person with a weak form of the OCA2 gene will have blue eyes. Likewise a person with a strong form will have brown eyes.


The plot thickens, though, because an individual also has other eye-color genes that each has a say in the final eye-color outcome. For example, if one of these lesser genes is strong, it can make the weak form (blue) of OCA2 work much more effectively — almost like the strong form (brown). Then the eye color may be a light brown or muddy grey. In fact, the resulting color can be any shade of brown, hazel/green, or blue depending on the strengths of the interactions.

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Yes they can. The basic genetics thing we learn at school abpout BB and bb says they cant but eye colour is made up of more than one gene so it is possible. I remember trying to explain the basics to a friend and then her announcing but my parents.... blah blah so I had to do somenifty research before she started accusing her Dad of naughtiness.


In fact I seem to remember it being after we had th epost on here


anyway this site http://www.thetech.org/genetics/ask.php?id=2 has a nice explanation as to how

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I remember trying to explain the basics to a friend and then her announcing but my parents.... blah blah so I had to do somenifty research before she started accusing her Dad of naughtiness.


I think it would be her Mum that would have been responsible for the naughtiness. Unless we're talking Brian Aldridge... :lol:

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Lol yeah you're right there


inless of course he was a corrupt genetic scientist


or a bloke who got pregnant, did you see that in the news??=! :shock:


That was VERY weird :shock:


It would be fine for the man until they had to 'deliver' - clean nappies - do the late nights - clean up the :vom: etc...................

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:D My simple explanation (which hopefully helps the above post too) is that it's down to the eye colour of the Grandparents and my family is a good example of how this works;


I have Brown (B)eyes but all my 4 children have blue(b) eyes. Although a bit against the odds as Brown is dominant, if you look at their grandparents, there were 3 Blue and one Brown.


Now, my blue eyed children could have blue eyed partners but still produce Brown eyed children because of the Brown gene that they have inherited from me.


So, in answer to the original post, yes; blue eyed parents may have a brown eyed child if one of the grandparents had brown eyes.


Of course, genetics is more complicated than that, so I won't start on green eyes, but often you have to look at what gene characteristic a parent is carrying, but not displaying themselves, that can then be passed on to the next generation.

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I suppose it does not really matter if you guys know. Try and keep up as this is a bit of a tricky one. My Mum married two brothers, as you can imagine made her really popular. I am from her second marriage. So my sister and brother are half sister/brother and half cousin. My Mum has blue eyes and so does my sisters Dad (my uncle). However my Dad had brown eyes. So it could mean that we have both the same parents, not that it would make any difference as I see her as my "true" sister anyway.


My sister is doing an OU course on something to do with feet and was at college on Saturday. Her tutor was discussing genes etc and said that two blue eyed parents cannot have a brown eyed child, which sent her into a bit of a spin as you can imagine. I have spoken to her today and explained what you guys have said. So it is now for her to decide if she wants a DNA sibling test. She understandably does not want her Dad to know and "Ooops, word censored!"ody has anything to do with our Mum anymore (another long story but this one would have to be told over a bottle of wine :lol: ) so that would be our only option.


Does anybody have any experience with this sort of thing? A bit of a heavy one I know but you guys always seem so good with advice :wink:

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The tutors info is an old Urban Myth type of situation.


We have all managed to find other info that disproves it....and I'm sure Sheila's take on the subject about grandparents is right.


Some things are best not tampered with, but if you are sure it won't affect your relationship with your sister, or upset other aspects of the family dynamic.....why not?


Speaking as a love child with a vague inkling about family secrets etc.

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Please show her that first link I posted. It is commonly told in schools that is not possible but as I said that is very basic genetics when in fact there are so many other contributing factors including the fact that eye colour isnt simply made up of one gene which means that anybody can have a child with any colour eye (though some would be weirder than others- imagine purple!) This also goes towards showing how the same parent scan have children with different shades of brown. Mine all have different shades Ms are almost black, Js chocolate and Ns verging on hazel yet they all have the same parent. There has to be more than one gene influencing this and in the same way it is with colours.

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The tutors info is an old Urban Myth type of situation.


It is not the first time that the tutor has said it, again she had a student who had brown eyes and parents with blue :roll:


I have explained to my sister all that you have said, so hopefully it will put her mind at rest. She did say that she would rather be my full sister the a full sister to our brother :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Was nattering about this to Him Indoors and he said well it can't be true can it?


He reminded me that we have a friend who's family come from India, and he and his sister and brother have vivid blue eyes. Very unusual and striking.


He is married to a blue eyed English girl but their son and one of their daughters has brown eyes, two other daughters have blue eyes.


Sheila is right....look to the previous generations. :lol:

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I have two brothers and we do look alike, people mistake us for each other a lot.


I am well ................rather hairy, and my brothers aren't and I have it on good athourity that we all have the same father and mother. As far as I can tell this means I will go bald rather than grey! RESULT!


Don't question where you came from, just be glad you are here!



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