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I've read some threads of people getting three chickens to start off with, with thier eglu. If you do get three do you have to add on an extension to the run? Because it looks a little small for three chickens.


Also read that three is better than two incase one dies and the other has a companion.


What are your views? Did you start off with two or three?





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I originally wanted 2 but decided to get 3, as you never know what might happen and being left with a lone chicken is not a good idea.


I decided to get 3 with a convertor to the standard eglu run. They do free range most days though, but when at work I have 3 in a converted run and 2 in a standard run.


Definitely go for 3 or 4 :wink::wink:


The convertor gives an extra metre of space and makes the run 'square' so you could add extra extensions in the future if you wanted.

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I changed my order to three after reading similar advice in the forum. Am I right to assume that in the sad event :cry: that three did become two, it would be best to introduce two more straightaway?


Reasons for this being that two hens quickly become a couple instead of being part of a flock and a singleton replacement would be outnumbered.


So it would be totally pragmatic to end up with four. A bit like chewing gum, double the fun! :wink:

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It is certainly more likely to be problematic if you introduce a singleton to an established twosome.


Safety in numbers I'd say....the nastiness would be diluted a little.


Sometimes though, the tables are turned anyway, and the new girls give the old ones what for!

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Again thanks for the replies everyone!

Can't wait to get my eglu and chooks, but thats a while off yet.

Anyone wanna here what I might be calling my chickens?

Man I'm addicted already. :D


come on then - what are the names ?


mind you, ours went through about 3 name changes each in the first 24 hours ! :lol:

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Well if I'm getting three these would be thier names. :D


Chook 1 - Juliet (Julie)

Chook 2 - Isolde (Izzy)

Chook 3 - Henrietta (Hen)


Now just have to sit out the years till I get my own place when I can get these three! (And a Eglu of course)


Ooh and another question. Do the chickens stay in the eglu throughout the night without food or water? Do they just eat and drink during the day. And will three chickens be comfortable in the eglu. In the omlet videos and pics I've only seen two chickens in the runs.

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Interesting with the digesting. I'm guessing the eglu comes with a complete manual? Is the manual available online? I have ordered the "Keeping Pet Chickens" book, thinking it may have specific info relevant to the eglu. Otherwise I've got "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens" by Gail Damerow and "Choosing and Keeping Chickens" by Chris Graham.

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Egluntine, I have been to the main site.....both US and UK....and spend lots of time there. It seems like everytime I work my way through I discover more and more pages and links. I'm sure I'll work through everything eventually, but sure appreciate directions to specific info! Thanks....I'm heading back to the main site again....see what I can find. :D

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hayhatch....that's a good question about the food and water overnight. I wonder as well now.....do people put food/water access inside the eglu during the night?


No, I don't they just have plenty of food and water in the run in the day and are fine and happy. Obviously if you do shut the Eglu door at night as I do you have to get up early to let them out to access the food and water in the morning - I let mine out between 7 and 8 latest. They go to bed at dusk. :)

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Tiggy, I'd love to have 4-5, but until the converter and extension become available through the website, I will only have the standard run to work with. :( While I will let them out as much as possible, I think I'll stick to 3 until I could get the extension and converter.


Egluntine, yes 0430 can be common. :) I'm an early riser, and my husband's schedule involves nightshift, so our household has us up and down at odd hours. That's why we won't be able to have a rooster. My friend and neighbor down the road will keep 20 hens and a rooster for both of us. That way we can hatch more of the Chantecler breed.

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