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Kop boy's Rhode Island reds - they're here

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We are off to visit The Hen House at Diss today to look at some Rhode Island Red miniatures for my son (Kop boy). He has actually been up and dressed since 3 this morning (I know that it was really 4 but this fact didn't help at the time) and he is bubbling with excitement.


He has always been keen on RIRs and he's been reading about them avidly over the past few weeks. Several friends have been over there and have said how wonderful the place is.


I am taking just one cat basket with us and I will resist all feathery temptations even though they have lots of brahmas and cochins....ahhh!


There. It's even in writing!

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No, I CAN'T. We do have room for more bantams but I have two more cochins on order for September/October this year (from Merrydale Poultry) and if I want these, I really cannot get any more large girls. The run we are having built will house all of the big girls in the two cubes and it will be 7mtrs x 4mtrs. The bantams will live separately in pekin paradise which is planned for the side of the house.

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Have a lovely time and I hope you find what you are looking for.


I am taking just one cat basket with us and I will resist all feathery temptations even though they have lots of brahmas and cochins....ahhh!


There. It's even in writing!


The above means nothing Janty!! :lol::lol::lol:


(let me know if you want your post 'edited' ) :wink::wink:

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How could you doubt me. I went for two RIRs and I came back with two RIRs....and nothing else. Despite the beautiful cochins and brahmas that I saw and the two week old mottled cochin chicks, I didn't even feel a glimmer of temptation. Didn't even as much as order anymore hens.


I'm a good girl, I am!



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I had the eglu run all sectioned off to separate the old and new bantams. Within ten minutes they had broken through to each other. Mrs. Beeton, the pekin went all bossy on us for about half an hour and then they all settled down and got on with eating. Bantams seem so much more civilised at the whole pecking order thing or perhaps, I'm just lucky.


The brahmas and cochins did a big 'them and us' thing for about a week after we got them.

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