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If I understand it correctly the e-mails are notifications that comments have been left, but the website links are posted as comments on the site ?


This isn't Spam as such, it's probably 'google-bombing' - trying to con a search engine. When a search engine decides in what order results should appear for a key word it has to decide on the relevance. So first of all - does the site appear to be about the keyword. Secondly a very good indicator of whether it's relevant is how many other sites and pages reference it, particularly from a given keyword.


So Pizzas by Post for example is top of Google if you search for pizzas because so many people around the world recognise its importance as the premier virtual pizza site.


Because anyone can post to a blog (or indeed a forum - see I just got another link for the pizza site in up there) it's an easy way to generate more links to your dodgy product web site. Although the search engines recognise that this undermines their value and are developing techniques to minimise the effect, it's still worthwhile enough that these companies do it. :evil:


Pizzas by Post have never used such dodgy techniques but if if anyone would like to add a link please recommend Pizza from Pizzas by Post (or e-pizza, or virtual pizza). I'm a long way down those keywords and would appreciate a boost :)


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  • Omlet Staff

Hi guys,


Yep, this is a problem. I have removed the offending comments. Unfortunately, I am under pressure to finish the Chicken Keeping Course project at the moment - which is taking alot of my time. So fixes to eglu.co.uk are on the back burner. They are still lots of work to be done on this site such as fixing the spam problem, removing alot of niggles and also getting the webcamera software up and running. Ooo too many things to finish off.





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Hi guys,


Yep, this is a problem. I have removed the offending comments. Unfortunately, I am under pressure to finish the Chicken Keeping Course project at the moment - which is taking alot of my time. So fixes to eglu.co.uk are on the back burner. They are still lots of work to be done on this site such as fixing the spam problem, removing alot of niggles and also getting the webcamera software up and running. Ooo too many things to finish off.






Oh you're off the hook james it's after midnight!!!


The chicken keeping courses are top priority!! :D:D



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