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I remember reading for some bread the eggs have a plum blush - never knew what this meant. Picked some eggs up from the local farm today and low and behold two of them do have what I could best describe as that. Does anyone know breeds that lay such eggs - I can't remember what they might be :cry: It is probably something obscure but they do look so good and unusual, thought I would ask :D


Thanks anyone who knows.

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Oooh, I see what you mean snowy! I've not seen one like that before (knew I should have got a bluebelle, grrr!) it's a very impressive size too.


Well, Bellekatz, at least you'll be able to tell the difference between the bluebelle and the magpie eggs when the time comes.

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Thanks for that Snowy! I have two magpies crouching now and I'm sure Bella the Bluebelle is ready but is just being awkward and not allowing me to be boss - she has always beem the hardest of the four to catch! Will let you know if I get eggs during the next week :wink::wink:

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