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Checklist ??

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Could you kind kind people give me a checklist of what I hopefully/ ideally should have before my chooks are obtained in a few weeks :D


Run is being built (this weekends weather permitting finish :cry: ) and cube arrives next week (might be Monday as payment has just gone through credit card :D:D:D )


I am thinking:


Mirror for fun

Dust bath - possibly large cat tray - with soil

Flea powder for dust bath

Sand for dust bath (we have clay soil so perhaps won't be able to dig up much from garden)

Old CDs to swing from chains in roof

Chains to swing CDs from

Grit container



Hemcore - few bales - not sure how much yet

Mite powder

Bamboo plant in pot for them to attack!



Anything else - fun or otherwise - ideas greatly appreciated.


Come on cube, come on cube, come on cube :D:D:D

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Hi Phosphorus


How exciting - you sound like you have it all sorted!!


How about investing in some Bokashi bran? I think chickens like it and it helps to keep poo smells down and also sorts out runny tummys if they've been a bit upset by the journey (only from reading up on here do I have this wealth of info - hope you're impressed!!). :P


I think you can use commercially bought bags of compost if you're lacking soil. Or even old compost from last years pot's if you have any available. I was planning to leave the soil in a giant flowerpot that I've re-planted the clematis from - no doubt they'll find they're own dust baths though!!! :roll:

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Thanks Moomin, forgot about the Bokashi, also should have put down Poultry Spice, Verm-x and ACV.....


We cut a load of branches from a tree in the front garden a month or so ago and still have them :oops: Hoping to concoct something re perches / fake trees for them from that.


Need lots of prayers for sunshine over weekend - if DH doesn't finish the run this weekend we will be putting back the chooks - he is away the next weekend and the following - no chooks at the moment until after 20th April :cry:


Getting really really excited now :wink:

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  Phosporous said:
Forgot to add - you are down for the same delivery date as me. I think mine is going to come early as my credit card has suddenly taken a big hit today - about cube sized. Hope you can cope with an early delivery - might happen for you too


Jan from Omlet said she'd call me the day before to arrange a time. I'm swapping a Cube for an Elgu (cube leaked unfortunately), so it will be a refund for me :D We're off all week on hols so dont mind if it comes early!!


I've had to cancel the two Gingernuts though as we're doing lots of work to the garden (involving concrete and lots of noise) I didn't think it would be fair on the little chooks, so we're getting some in a few weeks time (need to change sig!).


Exciting though, I know how you're feeling!!



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Moomin : Sounds like you are in the same situation as me - cube and run will be here but we are going away for a few days in April. Decided better to get chooks after we come back - so about 3 weeks hopefully for me as well.


Oh Egluntine - I have a lovely log with lots of branches at back of garden - DH thinks it is earmarked to make a garden table from. I have other ideas :wink:

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hows about a purple tubtrug to match the cube?! :idea::lol:


Its an exact colour match, so much so that I know have 3 purple tubtrugs in various sizes bought in the space of 1 week :oops::lol:


very handy for scooping out the nest box waste or giving the girls a bath!

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  chelsea said:
hows about a purple tubtrug to match the cube?! :idea::lol:


Its an exact colour match, so much so that I know have 3 purple tubtrugs in various sizes bought in the space of 1 week :oops::lol:


very handy for scooping out the nest box waste or giving the girls a bath!


Chelsea, where did you get the matching tubtrugs?I think that would drive DH hysterical with laughter - might just have to find one. Hadn't thought of the scooping out of the nest box waste - great idea.

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  Olly said:
Just a thought - aubiose/hemcore is compressed, and I find one bale lasts me ages. It's up to you if you have the storage space but I'd probably start with one bale and then see if you need more!


Wasn't sure but probably a good idea - as well just incase I change from one to the other (aubiose - hemcore) I suppose. Wanted to have enough but not actually sure where to put it so ...... Our garage is pretty full. Okay one bale it is then :lol::lol: I can spend an extra £10 or so on other bits :wink:

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If you are going to let your chickens free range in your garden you might want to get some chicken netting from Omlet or similar. I'm happy for my chickens to scratch around most of my garden, but they like my veg patch best. :roll:

I'm going to have a look round B&Q now to see if there is anything I can rig up cheaply

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  redhotchick said:


If you are going to let your chickens free range in your garden you might want to get some chicken netting from Omlet or similar. I'm happy for my chickens to scratch around most of my garden, but they like my veg patch best. :roll:

I'm going to have a look round B&Q now to see if there is anything I can rig up cheaply


Yep with my sad obsessiveness I have already ordered the 25m netting with the cube -should come next week. Forgot to add that thanks :D

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Been reading this thread with interest :)


Our chooks are arriving on Tuesday and I will only be getting a bag of feed with them :shock:


Do I need to buy Bokashi bran, corn, grit, limestone flour, spice, flea powder etc., etc before they arrive? Think I can buy some of these via Omlet/Ebay? I do know of couple places locally...one of which is a Horse tack/feed shop and the other has and sells chooks...guess they may sell the above?


Should I also buy something similar to a cat litter tray for our chooks to use as a dustbath? What should I put in it...sand? Soil? Do perches and dustbath have to be placed in the Eglu run?


We have CD's to hang up...do they have to be hung up on chains or can I use something else?


Other than water, can I use any type of disinfectant to wash poo off patio...I've heard Ecover mentioned...is this the Ecover brand of washing up liquid that supermarkets sell?


Sorry to have so many queries but I'm getting a little worried that I'm not properly prepared for our girls arrival


Thank you.


Lou :oops::roll:

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  Phosphorus said:
  chelsea said:
hows about a purple tubtrug to match the cube?! :idea::lol:


Its an exact colour match, so much so that I know have 3 purple tubtrugs in various sizes bought in the space of 1 week :oops::lol:


very handy for scooping out the nest box waste or giving the girls a bath!


Chelsea, where did you get the matching tubtrugs?I think that would drive DH hysterical with laughter - might just have to find one. Hadn't thought of the scooping out of the nest box waste - great idea.


Homebase have them!




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  Snoxy said:
Been reading this thread with interest :)


Our chooks are arriving on Tuesday and I will only be getting a bag of feed with them :shock:



Sorry to have so many queries but I'm getting a little worried that I'm not properly prepared for our girls arrival




Lou I think I am just being my paranoid self. I'm sure most of the things on my list can be bought as and when. I'm just trying to minimise delivery costs if possible and build a nice set up for when they get here. Hubby is building run as I type - feel like I need to have some part in it :lol:

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I think as long as you have at least the feed you should be OK to get other bits and pieces as and when. I'm like Phosporous though, I like to be organised, plus Chicken shopping is such fun (finishing off with the highlight of getting the chooks themselves of course!!) :D:D:D


I don't think they eat very much at first though. You will also need some grit in the run, they use that to grind up their food because they don't have any teeth, bless them!!



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Sounds like you are all very organised already :D .


Just had a very quick read through, but didn't see mention of Diatom or Red Mite Powder (unless that's what you meant by flea powder).


And did anyone mention garlic powder? It really works!


The only things you really really need straight off are pellets, corn, grit and hemcore or similar. All the rest can be bought once the hens have arrived. (So says someone who bought almost everything before they arrived :oops: .)

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