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New Run (Converted Free Greenhouse)

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Its finally done :D


The greenhouse we had given to us by some lovely freecyclers has finally been put up, converted and moved into by my 4 girls.



Picture with the waterproof curtains down.



Girls all snug inside.



With the curtains up.



And this was the old run which was homemade from recycled materials. I couldn't stand up straight in it so after a couple of minutes in there my back started to ache :(


Going to put some shading on the new run roof and that's about all that needs doing to it now :D

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It really looks gorgeous--so well-planned in so many ways. :D


Forgive me if I'm mistaken but I'm concerned about what looks to be basic chicken wire. As I understand it, this is not fox-proof. Would not like you to experince the loss of hens experienced by other posters!


Perhaps those with more knowledge will step in here.


With all best wishes for you and your girls.

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Forgive me if I'm mistaken but I'm concerned about what looks to be basic chicken wire. As I understand it, this is not fox-proof. Would not like you to experince the loss of hens experienced by other posters!


We have galvanized fencing running along the side's with just a bit of chicken wire at the top to fill in the gap between the top of the fencing and the roof. They also have there original wooden run and coop inside the greenhouse, which has weld mesh all around it. At night I shut the doors of the wooden run so they have double protection from the foxes.


Luckily we're not prone to foxes around here and have only ever seen 1 in the ten years of living here. I know this is no guarantee that we won't get one in our garden but it would have to be very clever fox to work out that there is only about a foot of chicken wire that he could nibble his way through around the top of the run.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get a really clever fox who can master the art of standing on the glass roof while nibbling at chicken wire, to get in :shock:

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