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A Big Thankyou

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I'd just like to thank Kate and the moderators for their hard work keeping this forum a happy and friendly place. :D


I am sure we all use the forum for different reasons but I know that I come here for the friendship and fun as well as good advice and support and just the chance to be around fellow chicken fans!


So thanks again and lets keep this place as happy as it has always been.


:D:D BBx

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Just wanted to add my thanks to Kate and the other moderators - you do a great job when moderating is required, without being heavy handed, and I love the fact you can be called on to sort out avatars, signatures etc, and you do it for us (well, me :oops: ) without any slagging off about my general lack of computer skils!

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Why? Have you got chicken poo down your coat again, Buffster :wink: ? Clarry scored a direct hit on Ollie yesterday so I've got a dressing gown to wash today :lol: !


Yes I've got a dressing gown to wash too and my jeans, I had my non poop jeans on when a friend popped round for a cuppa on monday and suddenly I had a rather mucky footed charlie sitting on my knee, hoping for a biscuit no doubt :wink::lol:



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Just wanted to add my thanks to Kate and the other moderators - you do a great job when moderating is required, without being heavy handed, and I love the fact you can be called on to sort out avatars, signatures etc, and you do it for us (well, me :oops: ) without any slagging off about my general lack of computer skils!


Their patience is amazing :D , I knew nothing about chickens and not much about computers. I have alot more chicken knowledge and improved computer skills.



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Thanks from me too guys :D

To Kate and the other mods for keeping it a safe and happy place to visit..... and for soothing ruffled feathers when necessary, as well as the getting the hang of the computer stuff. Sorry if we give you a hard time sometimes... you do a wonderful job and I don't think that we all always appreciate the work that you do.

And to all the other forum users, thanks for the chats, friendship and all the laughs you give me.... as well as the support when I'm looking for advice, someone to share a rant, or just a shoulder to cry on :roll:

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I am in full support with all the other comments and especially Kate for taking matters in her hands and deciding to finish it.


As a novice chicken keeper - my first port of call in the mornings, midday and evenings are the Omlet forums to catch up with anything to do with chickens....... Its a place I feel I could ask any question about the girls without appearing too stupid in asking..... :?


So it is good to see that normal service has resumed and us novices feel part of it again.


Well done to all of you making it a pleasure to log on..... :wink:

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