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Guest revnev

saw this - and thought of you...

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:(:( That was a very naughty thing to do, Phil. So, as well as hysterically laughing at the computer, my family have to witness my screaming at it too.

I've never seen one like that here.......I'd never be able to go near the bath again...

Thought you'd posted a joke or chicken memorabilia.

...out to the dog kennel for you today, Rev. and do not tease your wife about it. :(:(


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No idea of scale there Phil.


Was it HUGE or TINY :?::shock:



He's huge! I think he ate the neighbour's cat last week... (and he's called Brian - the spider, not the cat.)



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Its personal choice Martin and spiders are one of those things that people are just scared of :lol:


They have lots of legs and move fast :roll:


My mother was great she introduced me to all manner of beasties when I was a child so I wouldn't be scared of them 8)


Like the new avatar Sarahjo :lol:

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