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I've gone and done it!

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Well done this anyway!


...Ordered a (pink eglu) coming 2nd May!


...Ordered 3 chooks:


which we will be collecting on 25th May!!!


:lol: I can't wait! I am so excited. The only thing I am nervous about is foxes. To be honest, we don't see many near here, but they are around lurking I know :cry: and it worries me... Especially when you hear such sad stories on here about chooks being attacked.


Lots of love to everyone who has lost their chooks recently x


Best wishes,

Tigerlily :)

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Hi ya,


That's great news! Yeah you won't regret it. Yeah just bear in mind if/when you let them free range to keep eye out for Foxes. Hopefully you'll never see any. We haven't seen any YET. Hopefully we won't!! or :twisted::evil: I bet you won't wanna wait til 25th to get chooks!

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Hello to yet another Northerner :D:D

I give my girls normal porridge- oats soaked in warm water, but only for their supper!

You can lob other stuff into it like grapes and mealworms, chooks aren't bothered about odd food combinations :lol:

Other people make their porridge out of left-over layers pellets, anything goes, really.

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Thanks everyone! :D


I am really excited - my husband thinks I'm mad :doh: but we know better, don't we?


Sorry Cluckbok - I also meant to say - I love your chookcam! It is so funny watching them! :lol:


Well porridge with mealworms isn't something I fancy tasting, but if the girls will love it... :roll:


Best wishes,


Tigerlily :)

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I filled my omlet shopping basket with an eglu and 3 hens before closing the browser, at least once a month for a year until I finally took the plunge.


That's exactly what I kept doing too! :lol:


Plus, my hubby has had to be talked into it... but I got my way in the end!


Best wishes,

TL :) x

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