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Abbey Road Girl

got through the first 24 hours!

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Yesterday the Omlet man drove away and left me with the Cube and four gorgeous Miss Pepperpot hens. Gulp! :anxious:


Would I be able to open and close the various parts of the Cube without help? Yep! Never had to look at the instructions once (I still haven't got the hang of the DVD/video player, new telephone, etc). Brilliant design! :clap:


And the girls, what can I say? :D They look like a proper farmyard flock, yet have slight differences which make it easy to tell them apart. I have been looking so much at feathering, combs and wattles to distinguish them, but today I finally noticed that two have grey legs and two have greyish yellow ones!


Of course they were skittish in their new surroundings, but not as much as I thought they'd be. It was hard for them to commit to the ladder, especially when the biggest one decided to block the door way at beddy bye time. (I found that simply putting a torch in the nesting box wasn't enough, so a little Hollywood premiere light show was called for.)


The smallest one hangs back a bit and is pecked at the most, but she does mingle and manages to eat and drink. They seem to be sorting themselves out nicely (hope these are not famous last words) and of course are fascinating to watch.


My strategy is not to worry too much about nutrition at this stage. I have been bringing treats (good healthy ones of course) three or even four times a day to keep them from turning on each other for amusement (after a few days of this, I will wean them to the regular 4-5 pm treat).


At noon today I went out and found them all nestled down in a row like chorus girls!


All this and the neighbours on both sides are absolutely delighted. One of my neighbours came out into her back garden to watch the show. I had thought she either might have disapproved or wasn't interested when all the time she must have had the date in her diary! :lol:


Thanks for letting me share all the joy with you. But of course you'll be wanting photos, won't you? :oops: That'll be some learning curve!

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I'm glad its gone so well for you. Can I ask you how noisy they are? I am getting 3. On some of the messages they say they can be quite noisy. I am now at the worrying stage, Omlet rang me today and gave me the date for delivery. This has coincided with a spate of chicken deaths on the forum. I'm starting to panic.


I have also not told my neighbours yet. We get on quite well (apart from when we go away for the weekend and my middle child decides to have all his friends round)! Big apologies are always in order. I'm hoping that the offer of free eggs will smooth the way. Did you forewarn your neighbours?


I'm excited really, deep down, underneath the worry :roll:

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I have 3 girls Seagazer and they barely make any noise. I can be stood next to the run and the birds in the tree, that is a couple of gardens away, still make more noise. Most people say they make more noise when they lay but I'm still waiting for that happy moment! :lol: I never mentioned it to my neighbours (we live in a terraced house) and neither have said anything at all! :shock: I was exactly the same, finally convinced hubby to get some and then we had delivery date...I started to wonder if we had done the right thing but we wouldn't be without them now! :D

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Mine aren't noisy - they bok bok a lot and are noisier when you are outside - they love being made a fuss of and talk to me when I hang the washing out and get annoyed if I don't answer! (don't worry - you'll soon be talking chicken).


I didn't tell my neighbours and I don't think they've realised yet - the flipping magpies sre noisier!!!


You'll enjoy them!



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Glad it's going so well, Louisewomble :D . Get those photos taken :wink: .


Seagazer, mine are very quiet except for the occasional squarking - today I chucked a conker (don't ask :roll: ) out of the bedroom window onto the roof of the run - soon shut her up :lol: . Some seagulls then flew over and were MUCH noisier.


I told one neighbour but not the other - they never noticed until I mentioned it weeks later :roll: .

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Sorry it took so long for me to thank everyone (you know who you are! 8) ) for responding. Unfortunately, my daughter-in-law and her mother were in a serious automobile accident in California. I am not close to my daughter-in-law due to divorce, but my teen-aged granddaughter has been understandably distressed (her mother has a broken back, leg and arm). It does take something as serious as that to keep me away from the forum.


Thanks, Chickvic and Louise for reassuring Seagazer. I'm still surprised, Seagazer, at how quiet they are. The only time they bokked at all loudly (and that wasn't very loud) is when they were taken out of the crate by the Omlet man and when I gently urged them down the ladder for the first time. The sounds they do make are enchanting. One of them is like a very muted version of a human imitating a trumpet. Hard to describe really. Someone here aptly summed up the sounds as "chickeny".


Waiting for your first chickens is a bit like anticipating your first ever date! :anxious:


But it really is as wonderful as people say! :D

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Thanks so much, Seagazer. I fear that the going will be pretty tough for them.


You're getting a purple Cube! That would have been my choice if my back garden wasn't overseen by an elevated bridge. :mrgreen:


I see you have three weeks to continue to have butterflies :anxious: it will help if you have everything on hand well in advance. My bale of aubiose arrived only a couple of hours before the chooks. Also I panicked the day before, worrying that I'd forgotten to order the feed (do keep a list of any extras that you've ordered with your Cube).


Also, it will help if you're not totally on your own on the day. I felt the way I did when my parents drove away after delivering me to Uni.


I hope that everything works out brilliantly for you!

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I do love your username, ANH! Cracks me up everytime I see it! :lol:

It's an old joke so I wonder how many people here get it.

Thanks! I used to be plain old Vicki but had a sudden brainwave (can't believe it hadn't been taken already!) I used to have a link to the lyrics and song in my signature but had to remove it to make room for something else. Might put it back in!


Saw a car with "ANH" in the numberplate today - needless to say I got all excited and YS just went :roll: .

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i have 10 red iglue cube how do i get all 30 of them to go up


We don't understand whether you've got 10 Cubes, 10 chickens or 30 chickens though. You've not made it very clear in your post. If you can explain how many chickens you have and what they're living in, we might be able to help more :D

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