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Want to name them, having problems!!!

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Hi, had chickens just above a week now! Got 4 Lohmanns and 4 Black Rocks! The only one I can pick out is a Lohmann with is a lot darker brown than the others (daughter has called it Korma). Keep spending a lot of time with them so they get used to me! (they are all eating out of my hands and are not nervous at all with my company.


Would like to give them names, so can anyone give me tips on how to individualize them. (they all seem to look the same).


It might be obvious to a lot of you, but I am struggling. Please help!

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Got to be honest, and say that I struggle to tell two of my gingernuts apart! They are ones I adopted last year, and perhaps it would be different if I'd seen them from the start.


It's more about personality than the way they look, and as they get older and come into lay they will change a bit - you will spot the shy one, the greedy one, the cheeky one and so on. Otherwise you could put leg-rings on! :wink:

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hmm, good point! At my vet's they shout out the animal's name + my surname.


'Wellington B____' sounds really stupid when called out by the nurse! :oops: I'd never considered how much worse the chooks names will sound if I ever have to take them!

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hmm, good point! At my vet's they shout out the animal's name + my surname.


'Wellington B____' sounds really stupid when called out by the nurse! :oops: I'd never considered how much worse the chooks names will sound if I ever have to take them!


When I had my cat Misty and before I was married my vet would call Misty Meek which I always thought sounded like an adult film star!


Afte rI had to have him put to sleep last year when we got him back to bury him in my parent's garden it had Misty Meek written on it and made me smile through the horrendous amount of tears!


Sorry wandered off topic

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sorry about your loss pfhbpunk, but reading your post put a smile on my face! Least you have something to make you smile about your sad loss! Any ideas of some good name/s for me to call a couple of my chooks, I would not get embarassed at a vets calling it out. Unless it was too bad!! he he

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sorry about your loss pfhbpunk, but reading your post put a smile on my face! Least you have something to make you smile about your sad loss! Any ideas of some good name/s for me to call a couple of my chooks, I would not get embarassed at a vets calling it out. Unless it was too bad!! he he


Thank you.


With regards to names I think it's good to think of the things that you like and make them around that. Can't wait until I get mine, hopefully will be tomorrow, as we've had names picked since before xmas all based on a theme. Even got the names picked for some bantams which we might get this time next year!!


So for example if you liked Eastenders then you could have Beale, Fowler, Wicks, Mitchell or Pat, Peggy, Sharon. If you like like knitting you could have Knit, Purl, Moss, Yarn.


I realise they may be naff names but a theme is good or maybe when you see them it'll just come to you. Normal human names are good I used to have fish called Carol and Geoff and my friend had a gerbil called Colin and a bird called Edward.



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We mostly went for flowers which seem to be quite a popular choice. My OH and the kids were tempted by the humourous but I vetoed that as I thought the joke would wear thin before long :roll: whereas the chickens would be with us for years. I didn't even think about the vet aspect although

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My first 3 were named by my 7 year old. But my ex Batts when they arrive will have girly names! Probably unusual flowery type ones.


I might change Chucks name to Holly as she seems a bit prickly at the moment (but then so does Dinks!) Chuck pecks at the rabbit's as they hop past - but seems to go for the eyes :shock: Dinks pecks at my boots!

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hmm, good point! At my vet's they shout out the animal's name + my surname.


'Wellington B____' sounds really stupid when called out by the nurse! :oops: I'd never considered how much worse the chooks names will sound if I ever have to take them!

when I named my girls, the neighbour fell over laughing when I told him one of the girls names...our family name is Wareham and one of my girls is called Aries...the bloke next door when i said her name asked.."Hairies wear what?" Aries Wareham?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?he's a der! I hope I never have to go the vets with her...

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I had three names ready for my girls, but they didn't seem right when I saw them. We were going to chose a name each (there are three of us) but OH is useless at things like that so I picked for him. My son named Katie after a girl from school (is there something you want to tell me Son?) but he won't say if they look similar :lol:

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