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It's greeeeeeen!!!! Woohoo!!!!

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I am totally chuffed! DS aged 6 is going to be excited too when he gets home from school as Yoda is his chook. I saw her crouch for him yesterday, but she wouldn't do it for me. I was a bit surprised to get an egg as she's rather remedial in the headgear department!


6 down, 2 to go!

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Hi Superjules :)


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !


Was going to search/post earlier regarding crouching...did read hens crouch when they think they are going to be mated 8)


While I was mixing pellets etc. this morning it crossed my mind that maybe hens also crouch when they are going to start laying? I am a novice so excuse me if I am being totally naive :oops: Just reading through your post I noticed you mention Yoda has been crouching. Although my first thoughts were that our big black girl, Cleopatra may lay first...Princess Leia's headgear is similar in size but more red and she started crouching yesterday when I tried stroking her back.


Best wishes...

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Excellent - well done Yoda, glad she turned out to be one of the 80% or whatever that has the green/blue eggs.


It's lovely how excited 6 year old boys can get about chickens and eggs when they try to be all hard and grown up most of the time!




I got 2 skylines to improve my chances - I can take Yaddle back for a refund now (kidding!).


DS is turning into a walking, talking ad for chook-keeping, bless him. Mums at school keep coming up to me saying "My child tells me we have to get chickens like you!" When I showed him the egg his eyes went all wide, his mouth broke into a massive grin and he jumped up and down, bouncing around the kitchen. Good job he wasn't holding the egg!

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