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hi everyone, just got home to find our two chucks missing . they are netted in with the net from omlet, recently mosca has found her way out and we could not work out how and now it seems that they have both found out and have gone walkabout. what are the chances of them coming back? what should we do next ? all help gratefully recieved! we have beeen out looking in gardens and asked a few of the nieghbours.


a very worried and sad mim x

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We have one chicken who regularly escapes and wanders off - she always comes back at bed time. I have tried seeing how it is that she's getting out, but she's very clever and waits until I've gone.


We were once phoned to say she was in a neighbour's conservatory, sitting on their settee!


Try not to worry too much. Have you been out with a wee cup with corn in it, shaking it so she can hear?


Hope she turns up.



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Hopefully their homing instincts will get them home before dusk.


Can you ask your neighbours to check their gardens?


Do you not have fox problems where you live, that you can leave them free ranging whilst you are out?


Why not call them in and rattle their treats dish....there might just be a stampede!

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Have you checked up high in trees and shrubs.


If something spooked them they may have decided to roost up high for safety. Some chickens can jump quite high when they have a mind too. One of mine was able to flap up onto a 6 foot fence with her wing partially clipped and from there could get into the trees.


Also, try calling all of the local vets, If someone has found them and doesn't know what to do with they they may contact the vets for advice.

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One of our girls should have been called Houdini. She has perfected the technique to a T. She hops onto the top of the cube and then raids the wild bird feed sites in the garden. If she feels the the need to lay an egg she just hops back onto the cube and back into the run. She has also led the other girls on the occasional Colditz break, out of the garden. We know she is the one with the map as when we appear she is the only one that can quickly find her way back in when they hear the corn tin rattle!

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thanks everyone so much, but they have appeared! i called and called them and rattled thier food and they came clucking in! there is a massive garden behind ours and they must have been in there even though we went in there and called and called! they must have been having too much fun! i am going to try and watch them tommorow and see if i can work out how they are getting out, they really worried us and they are now grounded(in the run) untill we find out how they are escaping!

thaks again for all your support ,you never fail!!

mim and jason xx

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Phew, what a relief that they're home safe and sound :) We had a scare yesterday I popped indoors to get something leaving DH watching the girls in the garden & when I went back out I could only see two of them :shock: I looked everywhere and was just about to moan at DH for not watching them properly when he suggested that I might have been followed indoors, so I went back to the conservatory and sure enough there was Lulu mooching around inside :oops: She seemed to like it in there, I had trouble getting her out :lol:

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Phew, glad they returned! Do be careful of foxes at this time of year though, as Egluntine said.


It always amazes me how quickly chickens can move when your back is turned - one minute all of mine will be in one border scratching around, I pop into the shed to find a garden tool, and they vanish!


More than once I have checked the gate in case they have squeezed under and are heading for the road :shock: and then realised they are just somewhere else in the garden. I think they have some sort of teleportation device they use when I'm not watching. "Beam me up, Scotty" sort of thing!

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well what will happen hopefully is that they will bed back at home, but if they cant get in they will bed near. My bantam did that, when she got out she couldnt get in and as i was about to lock them down 2 gurls came and knocked on our door and told us that our bantam was on the house opposites fence!! they will come back, they no where the food is. If they dont put posters around! :)

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