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Can anyone tell me if they think Alice is a White Star or not, I am wondering whether she is a Bovans Silver and not a White Star (Bovans White) - she looks different from the piccies I have seen in books.








http://club.omlet.co.uk/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=27605 (Alice)






Thanks folks.

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Havent a clue what type she is,but they all look fantastic! Their run is like a childs adventure playground and will keep them amused forever! Love the huge branches and these for sure will be greatly appreciated by them. :clap:


Well done!!! :dance:

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sorry I dont mean to take over, I just have a query... I have just bought a 'coral' and her tail is upright.. she was in with white stars, although had a different colour leg band.. you've now got me wondering because her tail is very upright and she's very slim... is this just becuase shes a young bird?



I hope she's a coral because we took a lot of advice on getting a coral rather than a white star because of them being a little flighty.


I love Alice though she's very gorgeous. just showed my son and he loved her, he just loves white hens. :D

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  loopyloo said:
I have just bought a 'coral' and her tail is upright.. she was in with white stars, although had a different colout leg band.. you've now got me wondering because her tail is very upright...




I hope she's a coral because we took a lot of advice on getting a coral rather than a white star because of them being a little flighty.


I love Alice though she's very gorgeous.


:lol::lol: Now that chook looks to me like a white star - do you want to swap :wink: I really think mine could be a coral or a Bovans Silver. Not sure what I will do as I actually really wanted a star, needed one to be a bit different and feisty :D So far she isn't flighty at all :?


I have sent piccies to the breeder and asked what she thinks - one of her young helpers picked her out for me, it was a busy day, she might have got it a bit wrong.


Then what do I do :?

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  Snowy Howells said:
They do look lovely Phosphorus! 8)


I agree with you about Alice though - her tail isn't as upright and she looks a little stocky for a White Star :? I suppose you will know once she starts laying! :D


Those were my reasons - she looks way too stocky. The lass who picked her out as a White Star for me said that the tail and the back should form a U shape but I just don't think it is as pronounced enough.


I have emailed the breeder with piccies. I really don't want another brown egg layer. If she is a coral then I could live with it, but I did want a white star -for the feistyness and the large white eggs. My parents neighbours have one, the eggs are lovely and she looks beautiful.

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  loopyloo said:
yes there was no difference in the the coral and white star he showed me except the corals had a green leg band!.. :? confused now.. :lol:

just took these for you, so you can compare






Hmmn not sure now - she does have a lovely upright tail though :? She does look gorgeous whatever she is. Could still be a coral - oh what do I know :lol: Will see what my breeder says about Alice :wink:

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  FruitandNutCake said:
They look so bueautiful. What type is Charlotte? She has lovely colouring.
She is a Marran Cuivre - photos don't do her justice :D


  FruitandNutCake said:
I got a silverlink thinking it was a white star ( the breeder advertised white stars I think) - as I wanted white eggs too. However the silverlink has brown eggs.


Do I go and get another chicken??? :?


I think that is what I have done, unless she is a coral :? That is my dilemma - I really want white eggs as all the rest will lay brown or dark dark brown :cry: Do I swap her for a real White Star if she isn't aaaagh :cry:

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What colour ears has she got Phosphorus?

I have a Merrydale Snowbell - when I first looked at the sellers website it said they lay a cream egg, but now the site says the Merrydale Snowbell lays a white egg :? Mine does indeed lay a very pale cream egg, but a friend bought one from there recently and she is very definitely a whitestar - completely different in shape and personality to my hen! The majority of these hybrids come from chzechoslovakia(sp?) so i think some of the suppliers aren't too sure themselves what they are selling! :roll:

My cream egg layer has white earlobes with a touch of red round the edge. A white egg layer should have white lobes.

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I wondered about the earlobes but haven't really been able to see much there (maybe that means that they are white :wink: ). I get the feeling I might have seen a bit of red which would tie up with a coral.


Will try for a closer look later. Just been trying them with raisens - Roast the Blackrock got very possessive : I think she likes them :D

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I gave mine a slug! She seemed to like it!


I wouldn't swap Bonza - but if I got another one now, I'd have to do a slow introduction - and I'm expecting ex-batts in 4-8 weeks, so I don't want to be separating 3 lots of girls but so they can still see each other!


But if I get a white star from the same breeder, she would be the same age. She might not need separating!

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I've just caught up with this thread Phosphorous. Lovely girls you have, welcome to the world of chicken keeping! :D:D


I can't help with the White Star I'm afraid I don't have enough experience of them, but I can understand your frustrations if that's what you really wanted. Did you get it sorted out?

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Just updated my tag :lol::lol::lol:


I now have 7 chooks - didn't have the heart to take the odd one back - not sure if she is a coral or a Silver, we think the former, which I would be really pleased about.


I now have a lovely white star - see my latest post. Really pleased she is lovely. Will try and get her to pose a bit tomorrow :dance::dance:

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