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I used to do that with cat poo - it used to infuriate me that next doors cat would come and poo on top of my newly emerging bean plants so I used to get the trowel and fling it back next door - the poo not the cat, although the temptation was there..... :twisted:


Half you lot won't be speaking to me now :?:lol:

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I have cats and still agree with you Leslie. I'm fortunate with my two as we back onto railway lines with about 100 yards either side of woodland, hence foxes, rats etc. But it does mean my cats go there to poo, or the neighbours are too nice to tell me they have cat poo in their gardens :?

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A few years ago my Other Half was outside with our old cat when our neighbours' 6 year old son said to him "hey that's not your cat, that's ours".


OH (who by the way never adapts his tone or vocabularly when speaking with children) said "Actually she is our cat ... you don't even have a cat"


And the little boy said in all innocence "Well my Mum has to clean up it's poo"


:oops::oops::oops: Funnily enough we moved soon afterwards but we did have a chuckle thinking how the mother must have been moaning about it :lol::lol:

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Hate to drag you girls back to slugs (that sounds gross, sorry) but I have recently found that a small piece of old carpet on the chooks bark area makes a great place for the slugs to bed down in once they have had their fun through the night. All you have to do is lift the carpet the next day and the chooks dive in and gobble the slugs up - and you don't have to handle the slugs at all! It's great. For snails, I find an upside down terracota pot under a tree or bush traps loads of snails and can just be picked out and handed to the birds who love them - mine prefer snails - is that usual?

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Trinny and Susannah are obviously extremely intelligent and have realised that snail shells contain lots of lovely calcium.


Sybil is my best snail destroyer - she have perfected a spearing 'kill' lunge with her beak right inside the shell and then deftly winkles out the contents. Pollo is a slug girl - the larger the better. She managed a really gross fat 3 inch one I found inside the compost heap the other day. Too big to go down in one go so she was rushing round the run pursued by Sybil who also wanted the morsel - I think they shared the bits in the end :roll:


Disposing of slugs and snails is just so easy now :D:D

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Somehow I just can't bring myself to give snails to the girls. Call me soft, but I like them! I do fling them into the field next door, rather than encourage them into the garden but kill them? No! Slugs on the other hand? I LOVE :P seeing the girls eat them.

I'm just about to go and cut up a square of carpet from under the sofa...Jonnie will never notice :twisted:


PP Crockett

GNR Tubbs

(yellow eglu)

!egg! 1 today, in the run, not the nesting box!!

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Somehow I just can't bring myself to give snails to the girls. Call me soft, but I like them! I do fling them into the field next door, rather than encourage them into the garden but kill them? No! Slugs on the other hand? I LOVE :P seeing the girls eat them.

I'm just about to go and cut up a square of carpet from under the sofa...Jonnie will never notice :twisted:


PP Crockett

GNR Tubbs

(yellow eglu)

!egg! 1 today, in the run, not the nesting box!!




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You stole my names (Trinny, Susannah......and Sarah)......in advance Matt and Sarah :shock::?

The wonderful Beth eats slugs :D

I found if I left a damp pot upside-down then slugs climb onto it and I can feed to Beth. She tortures them by eating them bit by bit :twisted:


I threw pieces of our hedge next door when cutting it :twisted:

well it is BEWEEN our gardens * :roll:

They are :twisted: though as I heard them go outside and talk about ****** chickens :( I would throw poo over the fence with those neighbours :shock:


* and they could cut the top we can't reach as they are up a hill compared to us

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