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Alphabet game??

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So we have just spent a happy afternoon in the garden and at some point we usually end up playing the alphabet game, sure lots of you with kids have played variations on it, choose a subject and go through the alphabet each person having to name something for each letter. When the CA was very young we had subjects like colours or animals , she has now graduated on to capital cities and breeds of dog and can give us a run for our money (well actually she can beat Murdo hands down :):) ) .


recently we tried things that are growing in the vegetable garden and there is now an urgent need for a quince bush, some endives and Xmas tomatoes :) yellow courgettes are your best friend in this game y,c or z :)



anyway to get to the point today we tried playing breeds of chicken (woeful ) and we thought it might be a fun thing to do on the forum and also we might learn a bit. You could have a letter of the day started by one of the early birds and see how many different breeds you get, if anyone had pictures they could post those and any other information and you could end up with a thread about all the different breeds.


So does anyone think it would be fun?? think you'd probably have to have a one turn per person rule and your bound to get posts crossing and of course the early birds will get the easier options so the night owls will have to be a bit more inventive :) but that is part of the appeal of the game


So anyone want to give it a try :?::?:

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Ok let's play shall we start with A like Araucana, originally from South America, the name comes from a tribe in Chili. You find chickens with or without tail and they are rare. They lay blue eggs.


Well no pictures no computer wizzard but I have a book with 336 pages which I did read before buying my chickens :wink: So anytime

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here's one for you Sonja :wink:


Appenzeller Spitzhauben





'This is the national breed of Switzerland, having existed there for centuries. The feathers of the crest should be forward facing--I have been told that Spitzhauben means pointed hat or bonnet. As far as I can understand, the proper plumage markings are black-tipped feathers, rather than the larger moonlike spangles found on Hamburgs. In the UK there is also a Black version of this breed.'


isn't he beautiful

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here's one for you Sonja :wink:


Appenzeller Spitzhauben



'This is the national breed of Switzerland, having existed there for centuries. The feathers of the crest should be forward facing--I have been told that Spitzhauben means pointed hat or bonnet. As far as I can understand, the proper plumage markings are black-tipped feathers, rather than the larger moonlike spangles found on Hamburgs. In the UK there is also a Black version of this breed.'


isn't he beautiful


Actually the first name is the name of the reagion in Switzerland the Appenzell and the 2nd is the pointed hat rightly said so by you, beautiful bird never seen one didn't even now that should be the national breed I would boldy state we do have more than 1 breed in Switzerland. But we will continue the game so there will be some more surprises I guess.

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here's one for you Sonja :wink:


Appenzeller Spitzhauben



'This is the national breed of Switzerland, having existed there for centuries. The feathers of the crest should be forward facing--I have been told that Spitzhauben means pointed hat or bonnet. As far as I can understand, the proper plumage markings are black-tipped feathers, rather than the larger moonlike spangles found on Hamburgs. In the UK there is also a Black version of this breed.'


isn't he beautiful




Actually the first name is the name of the reagion in Switzerland the Appenzell and the 2nd is the pointed hat rightly said so by you, beautiful bird never seen one didn't even now that should be the national breed I would boldy state we do have more than 1 breed in Switzerland. But we will continue the game so there will be some more surprises I guess.


I lifted my quote straight from the website where I found the picture so wouldn't like to vouch for it's accuracy Sonja. Still he is handsome whatever his provenance :)

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Do agree. just read up in my book 8) there is a dwarf Asyl that was bread in the UK as a fighting bird. Appearently never really popular. All these fighting birds Indian or Malaysian are about the same. Skinny high legged long necked birds. Do not really like them. But great game we should move on.

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