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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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...... all I have with me is a pany liner and that's not good enough to do the job alone so it's got to work! :!:

Sounds lik I'm doing things okay, just needs practise!


It won't let you down!

You'll still need a pad on the heaviest day/night if you needed one before as well as a tampon.


As Cathy says, a slight push will help if it's hard to release. Definitely gets easier and it helps to approach with confidence and really relax at that stage.

Nothing bad can happen, it can't get stuck or go anywhere. If you're somewhere awkward & feel panic, leave it & change it at next visit.


I felt complete panic at times my first month, 2nd was easier and by month 3 I felt like an expert!


I cut off all the stem & felt puzzled & worried in case I shouldn't.


But, it's the best thing I've bought in the last year, I wish I'd found it sooner, this is an amazing forum!


Good luck Ange, you'll soon feel liberated! :D

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Agree with all the above - yes, sort of 'bearing down' helps if you can't reach it.


I have had a problem with pinching myself :shock: - and my nails aren't particularly long! I try and get a grip on the stem now, and tug it down a bit till I can get hold of the cup.


It does get easier with practice, so keep going. You won't look back - I've given all my remaining tampons away to friends as I know I won't want to use them again.

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I can just imagine your friends faces Olly when you gave them your tampons :shock:


Did they ask why you didn't need them?!


My boyfriend is quite interested bless him, though he doesn't want TOO much details, he keeps trying to offer suggestions well, you can imagine! :roll:

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A question. Someone I think it was hils78 said that sometimes she felt as though she was being impaled on a bambo cane??!!! :lol:


This is a good description! Did you cut off all the stem to stop this feeling?!


Have the others who use the cup done the same?


For me it's when i try and remove it. I've cut the stem short, but not completely off, so it's too short to get a grip on, so I tend to pinch the base of the cup, there are ridges on it anyway and pull from there, but then the stubby stem digs in and I get the bambo feeling!! :shock:


So I'm thinking that I too should cut it all off?


Sometimes the cup pivots to one side and therefore the stem 'swing' over,(this is normally after a sleep) so it is even difficult to get it out without catching yourself with the stem!


Anyway, today was the last day, a nice short one only 4 days, they used to last for 7?! :? Don't know if it's anything to do with the cup?


Yes it's tricky, but the feeling of being fresh and nothing dried and potentially smelly on the outside is SUCH a nice feeling!


I'm essentailly a happy bunny! Just need to practise! :wink:

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It definitely takes a bit of practice - and yes, I would cut of all the stem. I was always aware of it 'digging' a bit. To remove, just bear down a bit, grasp the base of the cup, tilt slightly and squeeze the sides together gently, this breaks the seal that forms and it should come out very easily. :D

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Aint it great being a woman!!!

I've had the great task of telling my man (who I don't live with -yet) that I use a mooncup :oops: The reaon being he asked me why he hasn't seen Tampons falling out of my bag considering we've been together for so long! So taking a deep breath & lots of 'erming' & 'you know what I meaning' he said - so what you're telling me is that you shove a silicone cup ............................................:oops::shock::roll: why couldn't I have put it like that?!!! He didn't bat an eyelid. lol

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Ange1 - I've just caught up with your posts & you have really made me laugh (for the 1st time since Fri - we've had to postpone our wedding :( ). The trials & tribulations of mastering the mooncup needs a determined owner!


Avert your eyes if you're squeamish.........


Re getting it in - sitting on the loo, I found that holding in 'un-deployed!' between thumb & middle finger & getting it to where it needs to be - then guiding it in with your thumb for the remainder of the journey locates it perfectly & it deploys once your thumb is removed....!


And getting it out - it really helps as Snowy Hallows said, bear down & grip the base of it but tilt it only slightly to free the suction/vaccum :shock:. I always think of a prolapsed chicken when trying to retrive a fully vaccumed mooncup!!!


Re the length of your TOTM - mine was reduced by about 3 days.

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Hi all - I just want to say that I am a mooncup user. I too cut the stem right off. It takes a bit of practice but makes you feel so self riteous and you soon get used to it!!!

For anyone thinking of it - go for it...you will not look back!

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Thanks Hills, I've only just got back from holiday so hadn't seen your lovely reply, glad I made you smile, sorry to hear about your wedding though, hope things turn out! Oddly enough I've just boiled mine ready for the next time, Boyfriend came in and asked if we were having boiled eggs for lunch, I couldn't dissapoint him so I had to get the proper egg pan out! :roll:

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Finally got one! Bought it today from Boots, couldn't find it on the shelves :oops: so had to go and ask. Woman on counter hadn't heard of it :roll: but went and asked someone else. I'm almost looking forward to trying it out but did you all 'practise' before hand? :oops: Sorry to be so blunt! :shock:

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that's a good idea ANH ... handling a full one can be a bit tricky! To be honest though, I didn't practice, just went straight for it, although I did choose a weekend when I'd be at home, it helps if you can go into the loo and fiddle with it if it doesn't feel quite right.

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:dance: :dance: Result! :dance: :dance:

Went swimming this morning for the first time since getting the mooncup. In the past I wouldn't have dared - especially as we have to use the big, open plan changing area for me and the children, so for 1 week in 4 I used to sit at the side while the boys had their lessons :( Not today! 16 lengths! And no problems at all!! I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :lol:

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Hurrah more women liberated by Mooncup!


I don't think I could do a holiday (actually whats one of those?) without one. You just need to pack it & its there for good. No tampons falling out of your bag.


My sister is going travelling very soon & she's so glad she uses a mooncup because she doen't like the idea of buying tampons from a 3rd world country without the regs that we have here. If she's remote & needs to 'deal with it' she only needs a small bottle of water & a good bush to hide behind. No need to dispose of a used sanitary item too.


I've been horse riding whilst using mine - no probs.


Ange1 the wedding is back on!!! :wink:

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