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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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Don't worry Martin, it's a girlie thing!


Top class product, by the way, I can highly recommend it. I can't believe I had never heard of it till a couple of months ago.

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Someone did a link to this ages ago (cant recall who now) and I looked it up, thought it looked great but then never did anything about it. I might not have the confidence to use it when I'm out and about to start with but I think I will give it a go. We have already decided that if and when we start a family we'll do the washable nappy thing and this is the same ethos.


See what you can learn on Omlet Martin? I bet they don't teach you this when preparing for your SATS :wink: But jokes aside it's important stuff - it's about respect for our planet and all that :)

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I got one a couple of months ago.


I could not get on with it at all :? I found it easy enough to use but I just did not feel well at all.


Terrible cramps that I do not usually have at all.


They did used to offer a 3 month return policy, typical they stopped it just before I got one :?

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I've never heard of the mooncup. Would be interesting to see how it works though. :)


Can you re-use it without having to steralise or boil everytime, how many times can you use it before it needs cleaning?


You rinse it with hot water when you empty it, then I steralise mine and the end of my period, then again just before I'm due, so it's ready.


I honestly cannot recommend it enough to anyone who is thinking about getting one!

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I believe that they call them DivaCups in America..


interesting that Mooncup (lunar cycle - so seems like a sensible name!) fits a UK market - but not a Murican one...



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Actually, yes it is - there is a bit that you have to trim till you can't feel it (it's like a stalk that sticks down, to help get it out), and that was the most difficult part - it took me a couple of attempts before I got it to the right length. Apart from that, it's easy peasy! If you have ever used tampons, I would doubt you would have any problems, and if you haven't used tampons then it would be just the same as getting used to putting one of them in.


I'm sure they say on their website it takes a couple of months to get used to, but I found that, one it was trimmed correctly, I had no problems - so it took a couple of hours instead of months!

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