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My chicken is being bullied, what to do next?

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After Betty dying this time last year, we got two new chickens, Pearl and Daisy, they have both been fine and after a rocky start with old hen Hetty, seem to get along fine together...


A few weeks ago it looked like Daisy was moulting, but we just left her be as we always do, then last weekend she looked very sore round her vent, we suspected dust mites so put the powder down, even though the others seem unaffected.


Yesterday there was blood on her egg and her bum was bald as is the back of her neck and both were bleeding! We took her to the vet who immediatly knew it was our worst fear, BULLYING! He recommended getting another place for her to sleep, a hutch or even another eglu... But that was quite late in the afternoon so when we got back we set up a seperate area with the fencing, but she just kept running at the fencing trying to get back in with her bullies.


We tried several times to get her to go into a cardboard box, with eglu roosting bars in it, but she would have none of it. She wanted to get in the eglu... so late at night, tired and frustrated we let her. Dad was then up early to seperate her into her area. When everyone else got up, she was still running at the fencing!


So today they have all been roaming free in the garden with no obvious bullying, she has not laid an egg though (very odd for her), possibly because she could not get into the eglu when she wanted to, but when we put her in there she jumped straight out again.


To make matters worse, Pearl and Hetty seemed to be fighting over each other's eggs thismorning and when I took Pearl's away she created an enormous racket and would not calm down until my brother came and gave her a cuddle (she would not come near me :( )


We do not want to let them have complete run of the garden because they destroy it, but we obviously have to give them more space to stop a repeat performance, are there any toys or ideas we could try to keep amusement levels up in a fairly large area of dirt?


Any advice will be gratefully recieved as my brother and I are going away on saturday for a week and my parents both work all day.





Ps, do we need to do anything to clean up Daisy's bottom as it is looking very messy, being bare and bloody, with a bit of poo on it as well... looks quite uncomfortable and she is pecking at it herself, thanks. :roll:

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If it were me I'd seperate her in a dog crate or something similar. Use a cat box for her to roost. Yes to cleaning her vent area and neck with salted water and a drop or 2 of teatree oil, in cooled boiled water.


She will perhaps be unsure of why this is necessary but it's us humans who have to do what's best for them :wink: I would also give her arnica 30c.


You'll have to reintroduce but perhaps you can add a friend if you have the room and introduce 2 to 2?


Hope this helps


Buffie x

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thanks for the help, I am going to try and leave them today, they seem to be ok with the whole garden to play with, see what happens at night but as I said, she seems desperate to be with them and hated being seperated :roll: doesn't seem to realise that they are hurting her!


Oh well, will resort to seperating them by force if need be.


I have seen people talking about foodballs? I am hoping that when they are in their more confined area again some toys will stop the bullying but I am running a little short of ideas.


All help is much appreciated, Thanks again.




PS. We don't really have room for another one either because we now have three in a Mark I eglu... we introduced two because we were worried about one baby on one biggy... but now we don't have room for another go at that!

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I am getting wuite frustrated now as I have to leave the chickens in a manageable condition (no one in the house all day) by saturday, and I am not allowed to let them wreck the garden.


Would it be better to do what we are right now (Daisy locked in the back passage (long thin walled bit of garden) with food water and a cardboard box, the other two in their normal area (fairly large area of dirt) with food, water and the eglu) or to put them all together with access to the back passage, their normal area and possibly another bit of the garden?


Also with regard to how to clean her up, we do not have any teatree oil, I can try to get some today, otherwise how much salt:water? And we have arnica cream, is that what was meant. Would it be a good idea to put savlon on the cuts as well?


Sorry I really have no idea and I am getting quite worried.


Thankyou very much



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Salt water will be fine for cleaning her up.


Can you pop out and get some gentian violet spray (Equestrian type shops) which will disguise the wound and is mildly antisptic.


If you get some tee tree oil, a genral spray of the pecked hen with a solution might stop the others pecking her as it tastes bitter.


Alternatively, a pet shop might have some anti pecking spray.

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I gave her a bit of a wash, I steered clear of the scabs, didn't want to dislodge them, but gave her a bit of a clean, seemed to appreciate it! :D


Do you think that they will be ok for a week all together if they have some toys to play with in their area, or do you think that they will have to be kept seperated. And does anyone have any ideas about toys for bored/bullying chickens?


I can only think of old CD's on string or cabbages on string...


Sorry I am being a real noob... :(:oops: I am just getting quite worried... :cry: and as I said, I have to be able to leave them for a week on their own next week, so I am completely stuck for ideas... :(

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I had the same with my flock. I knew who the naughty girl was so put her in solitary (The rest of my shed with a box, water food etc) for a week. I put the pecked girl back in the two new girls i had (as i knew they wouldn't be brave enough to peck babs) plus she was sprayed purple to disguise any blood that would attract attention. If you could get hold of bumper bits, they will stop the worse of the pecking if they have to be all together. All girls are now back together and so far no major problems. I put up a cage of greens and a peka-block for any boredom issues.

Fingers crossed.

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if there is blood or the injured bird is not healed you need to keep apart. if she is not healed & they are confined all day with no supervision you may or will be greeted with a very unplesant situation. They will peck & peck at blood to the extent where the bird will not recover. a mark 1 is not big enough for 3 hybrids all day it may have made the situation worse by letting them free range & then cooping them up again as they will now feel even more shut in.


cabbages etc will not distract if they are in the run all day


as someone suggested you should of introduced 2 or more but i realise you dont have the room.. but you should never indtroduce 1 bird to an existing group as your asking for problems. as breeders we will never sell one bird on its own, we would rather not sell any.. it is not fair on the bird or on the new owners as very distressing situations for all concerned can arise.




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I wouldnt leave the hen with the scabs confined with the other girls for long periods of time or without supervision as the other girls will just peck the affected area and it will never heal.


Purple spray is excellent as not only will it help with the healing it will disguise any dried blood/crusty bits etc and stop the others pecking.


Our Ella had her bum pecked recently and we covered over the pecked area with some medical gauze and tape and purple spray on the top, it worked for us but the wound needed cleaning daily and the dressing changed daily - she is now all healed.

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as someone suggested you should of introduced 2 or more but i realise you dont have the room.. but you should never indtroduce 1 bird to an existing group as your asking for problems. as breeders we will never sell one bird on its own, we would rather not sell any.. it is not fair on the bird or on the new owners as very distressing situations for all concerned can arise.


My understanding was that Poplars introduced 2 new hens, Pearl and Daisy to one remaining hen, Hetty, after the death if her companion.



Is the Eglu a Mark 1, Poplars?


Maybe you could divide the run using garden canes like **this** as a temporary measure, and provide a box for the hen(s) not at the Eglu end to sleep in.

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sorry for any missunderstanding, they are not just in the run normally, but with quite a big area of just dirt, then the netting is taken down at weekends for a bit of a break, when we can keep an eye out for any garden distruction.


The eglu is mark 1


I know that there would not be enough space in just the run and that is why they are never just in there, but there is not much for them to do even in their quite big area.


Instead of doing the canes (resulting in very little space either side) I could keep the naughty 2 in the eglu run and allow Daisy to use the other area, but when we did that Daisy was desperate to get in the run with her "friends" and we thought she would hurt herself so she is currently out of sight of the other two in the back passage.


Eglutine, you are right, we did introduce two to Hetty, but now it is Hetty and her slave Pearl who pick on Daisy.

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It has quite high walls on all sides, and the doors are shut (to keep Daisy from wandering out :roll: )


If we keep her there, she only has a cardboard box (which she doesn't like very much) to sleep in (we don't have a hutch or anything :? ).


The wound currently has very black dried blood around it and we weren't sure whether to clean this off (we didn't)


So do you think she will be ok there for a week or two (mum and dad will be around but do not want that much to do with it and can not get there during the day)


Sorry for sounding whiny, but I am leaving on Saturday morning :(

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You aren't sounding whiny at all...you are trying to do your best.


If you could beg steal or borrow a hutch for the week it might just offer that bit more security for her.


Perhaps your folks, or a friend would be prepared to let her out in the morning and secure her at night.

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Hi Eve - you're really near me - would you like me to pop over to help out or have a look at your arrangements? I don't have any spare housing at the moment, but if you look on the Banbury Freecycle site, there are loads of rabbit hutches going spare.


PM me if you need help or would like me to pop over - no problem at all.

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Well Daisy spent her first night away from the others, sleeping under a fern (she refused to go in the box) but it was a warm night so we let her.


Have hung a cabbage and put out some new bark chippings in the other's area


It is really painful to hear Hetty doing her normal shouting then Daisy replying, she can not see them but she is still trying to get back to them and every time I open the door to see her she tries to get through :cry:


She has recently found the compost bin, which she loves, and is having a good rummage through to find all the bugs (it is the almost done stuff so just very rich soil)


Hopefully they will survive the next two weeks without me...


My Dad may be on for some help, but then again maybe not... :wink:


Thanks for everyone's help, been really appreciated. Will be worrying solidly when I go away... (saturday morning) but hopefully my parents will keep me updated...



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well I am back and there are still 3 chickens in the garden.


Daisy's neck feathers are growing back really well, but her bottom is still very red and no sign of any feathers, the cuts have closed and are healing.


When do you think it would be a good idea to let them back in the same area, Daisy does seem quite lonely on her own and they call to each other over the wall a lot.


Bearing in mind that I go back to school at the beginning of september and it would be good if they were sorted out by then, any ideas?


Thanks, Eve

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We got Thelma, Louise and Ellie together from the same place in March. They have always lived in harmony although very much T&L together and E a bit of a loner. No signs of actual bullying though. Last Wednesday Ellie went missing. At first we feared the fox but she was then seen in the village and had clearly gone on a jaunt. Today to our surprise and delight she has returned. Thelma and Louise are clearly less than delighted however and are trying to peck at Ellie every time she goes near them. I have put Ellie into the run with some porridge (her favourite) and intend to keep her in the run if I can for the next few days just so that she remembers where she lives. What do I do about Thelma and Louise? Is 3 days really sufficient for them to forget that Ellie has lived with them for 6 months and to treat her as a total stranger? Advice please.

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well I am back and there are still 3 chickens in the garden.


Daisy's neck feathers are growing back really well, but her bottom is still very red and no sign of any feathers, the cuts have closed and are healing.


When do you think it would be a good idea to let them back in the same area, Daisy does seem quite lonely on her own and they call to each other over the wall a lot.


Bearing in mind that I go back to school at the beginning of september and it would be good if they were sorted out by then, any ideas?


Thanks, Eve


Hi Eve


Give it a try while you're around and can keep an eye on them. Stand by with a water spray to give any naughty chooks a spray in the face. There will be a bit of heckling and chasing, so try not to intervene unless it gets violent. It will take them a while for the pecking order to settle down, but once it has, they will be happier knowing their own positions in their society.

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They have been free ranging all day, after deciding there was not enough time to put it off, seem to be ok with each other, the occasional peck but hopefully just a bit of showing who is boss...


I have just put them in a now very extended run, their original large area of bark chippings and now the back passage as well (very long (20m) and thin (1.5m)) Within that is the eglu and the place that Daisy has been sleeping, do you think that they will be alright left in that with minimal supervision (the back passage can not be seen from the house) And is it ok to leave them like that tonight?


Thanks for any help




Edit: Just been out to check on them and Dais has gone into the eglu (rather than her little area she was sleeping on) by choice with the other chooks, I think there was a bit of squabling but don't want to disturb them, should I just leave the door open and let them sort it out themselves?

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I got a "bumper bit" for the hen that was bullying my other 2. I put it on in desperation as we were going away and they were going to be in their run the whole time and I didn't want to leave a problem for my chicken sitters.


We arrived back today and picked them up to see lovely new feathers on the bullied chicken, and the bully is also looking perfectly happy with her bumper bit on. it was really hard to put on in the first place but it deosn't seem to have affected her at all and has left the others much happier.


I'm leaving it on for now as apparently they drop off eventually and we'll see if she has forgotten how to bully by that time. If she starts again I'd have no hesistation about putting another on on her though.


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