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Chickens are the funniest things

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I love seeing the chooks free ranging round the garden and today they gave me quite a few giggles. I especially loved it when Buttercup my PP found a slug and was chased by two slug crazed GNR s round the garden. I was in fits of laughter.


I knew I would enjoy having chickens but didn't quite realise how much fun it will be. They are the best little animals ever. We have spent so much time in the garden since we got them and tomorrow even though it is my husbands 30th and our 9th wedding anniversary we are spending the day in the garden adding their converter and extention so they have more room when they have to be inside.


Please add your funny chicken stories :D

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Hi Everyone


Just joined the forum but have been lurking for a while :)


We have had our chickens for a couple of weeks now and I think they are soooooooooo funny :lol: Me and OH were sat in the conservatory a few days ago when all of a sudden 4 little chicken faces appeared at the window :shock: They had hopped up onto a stack of paving stones so that they could look through the window to see us :lol: I was in stiches, they keep us amused for hours!

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hi there, they are such lovely creatures and i find all the noises they make the funnisest, especially my roosters, my maran rooster Mr. Pudding just lets out great big bellows of noise occasionally, he sounds like a dinosaur. and if you every go out in the garden and call his name he answers you like that. it always makes me laugh.


also, we have big french windows leading out to the garden and my dogs food bowl is in front of them, this means whnever i fill it up all the chickens run over into the window thinking ive spread food on the floor for thm. this happens pretty much everyday :roll: daft things.

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We have had to install a borrowed baby gate to stop the little blighters coming into the kitchen all the time (the obedience training didn't work - basically they just took no notice). They keep sticking their heads through the bars and shouting 'bok' at us while we are eating!

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lol we had to buy another stairgate for the back door, Ruby was very persistent lol the gate is not enough though i have to use my beaded curtain too or she hops on the stairgate :evil: lol

We had a BBQ today and when the eating was done i let them out. with everyone coming in and out everytime someone went near the gate Ruby charged down the garden to get in :lol::lol: don't know what she thinks is in there as we were all outside, kept everyone in stitches though!

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When I looked out at my girls today freeranging they were, parden the pun

running around like headless chickens, clearly chasing & catching something when I went to investigate they were gleefully catching Flying Ants :vom: which were swarming around the garden they were having a worderfull time :!: highly hilarious to watch :!: I wish I had gotton Chickens years ago :D they make me laugh more than any other pets we have had :wink:



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I was eating an apple in the garden whilst sitting in the deckchair today. I had to keep moving it from one side to the other to avoid the chickens who had taken up station all around me, waiting for the opportunity to attack.


Then later we went up to Abbey Park where they have a Pet's Corner. Well, they'd recently rescued some battery hens which have put in with the other birds. One of the peacocks took exception to one of the chooks and starting showing it's tail feathers and getting all aggressive but the chicken just wasn't bothered about it at all, it was hilarious.

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