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Clary Sage oil?

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I know that some of you know a bit about aromatherapy and essential oils so I was wondering if you've come across clary sage oil?


I've been given the go-ahead for a home birth as long as my iron levels keep rising (thanks to whoever gave me the tip to use spatone :D ). The mw does reflexology and has suggested that I could get some clary sage oil to use during the birth as it is very relaxing and mildly sedative.


I've looked it up on the internet and although some people say it does really help with relaxation (making them feel slightly drunk :shock: ) some say it smells like a wet dog :vom: It is very expensive and I can't test it beforehand as it can induce labour so I was wondering if any of you have used it before and if it really smells bad?


Lavender and Jasmine have a similar effect but not to the same extent. I have some lavender oil but can't stand the smell of jasmine.




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I don't mind the smell of it at all. Could you ring a local aromatherapist and ask her if you could smell some? Lots of people like smells that others don't get on with - I actually don't really like lavender that much! Don't use aromatherapy oils if you're planning to use any homeopathic remedies in labour, though - the strong smells block the action of the homeopathy stuff.


Good luck for your homebirth - I've had three and am starting to plan my fourth now. Thanks for your post - I'd forgotten to look and see if I need to top up on any of my oils!

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Thanks everyone for the advice. I've ordered some from Neals Yard to put in my kit. If any of you need to top up your supplies Neals Yard are doing free delivery at the moment. Boots are doing 3 for 2 on essential oils


If you are wondering why I haven't tested it myself, there are two reasons.

I had a scare a week or so ago and ended up in hospital with pre-labour contractions that thankfully stopped on their own. As I'm only 28 weeks the MW has banned me from testing/sniffing any essential oils in the next two months that could trigger a repeat. The other problem is that I've only been able to find it online. When it was recommended, I asked what it smelt like and was told 'distinctive' which is why i googled it in the first place.

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I love the smell of Clary Sage, and used it to induce my second baby as I was under threat of an induced hospital birth as I was running late. A little bit of acupuncture and a massage with the Clary Sage did indeed get it all going - wonderful home birth - loved it!


I did use it a little during labour, but to be honest once it all got going I wasn't acutally thinking about anything like that and it sort of got forgotten - good in the early stages though.


All the best - and as crazy as this may sound to some - enjoy your birth! It can be such a wonderful experience - I would LOVE to give birth again (at home)!


All the best



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Clary sage is a bit love it or hate it but I love it and don't think it smells anything like a wet dog! It is very much recommended for birth as it is a euphorirc so helps you cope with the sensations both physical and emotional. As you said though be wary of any oil that can stimulate contractions at the moment.

The Neal's yard oils are excellent quality and I think worth paying for, some cheaper versions of the same oils are adulterated with similar smelling chemicals that have no theraputic qualities. Some oils just are more expensive to create e.g. Rose, it takes between 1500 and 10000 parts rose petals to make 1 part rose otto oil.

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All the best - and as crazy as this may sound to some - enjoy your birth! It can be such a wonderful experience - I would LOVE to give birth again (at home)!



I was exactly the same, I LOVED my third birth, I'd kind of got the hang of it by then! I used clary sage oil during labour and found it very good, seemed to ease the earlier contractions, now I can't smell it without being back in the labour ward! Mind you apple Chupa Chup lollies do the same as I sucked on them throughout labour too. Don't forget arnica for afterwards (for that kicked by a horse between the legs feeling :lol: )


Good luck

Mrs B

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