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Black splotches on comb

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I am a bit concerned about my Bramble.

She is a French Maran of about a year old.

She has been laying shell less,soft shelled or thin shelled eggs for several weeks now,but as she has been otherwise hale & heaty I put it down to a mini moult.

She is also a little bald underneath.

However,today I have noticed that her comb & wattles have blackish splotches on them :?

She is still acting fine,but the thin eggs continue.

Any ideas?

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Has her comb started getting smaller Cinnamon? It's just that one of mine gets black spots on her comb as she goes off lay, then it shrinks down to half it's size. When she starts up again, it swells and regains it's bright red colour. Apart from that, I don't know, sorry!

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Bit of a daft response I'm sure because I'm sure you've already checked, but one of my ex batts developed what looked like black spodges on her comb, a while back now. They were small and very dark, but she was a really difficult bird to catch. When I managed to catch up with her and check closely they were like tiny bruises where some of the others had been pecking her :evil:

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Dredging up from memory, I vaguely remember somebody saying it could be a sign of a weakening heart, ie bad circulation. However, as I have a chicken with a completely black comb who is as fit as anything, I really cannot comment on whether this is the case or not. trange that it is turning black though. Mine as ALWAYS been black

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Hi, one of mine has black spots on hers, and she's only develpoed it since we've intrideced these two newbies ( The Kray Twins) who whilst establishing their authority would peck anything red that moved . .i saw then a couple of times yank hold of the crown and peck, leaving dark bruising patches :( could one of yours be having a little peck at her?


Ms Tillyhopesyougetitresolvedsoonandlayingnormalityandrednessreturns

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not sure of the comb colour query but some limestone flour added to her food will help with thin shells or softies. I serve mine in a mash of water, bokashi bran, layers mash/pellets, garlic and grit. Then i add corn, chopped cucumber, mealworms, raisins or sweetcorn for treats. I found it a useful way to add poultry spice, cod liver oil or pro biotic yogurt too to supplement their diet. The girls love it. Hope her comb sorts itself. xxx

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