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Mel (& Paul)

Using bath/shower water on plants

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I want to start using the cold bath water to water the plants in addition to using the water butts.

I dont tend to use loads of bubble bathe / shower gel but can anyone tell me whether it will be ok to use the old water (I also thought if I put the plug in the bath when having a shower I could use the shower water too) - but dont want to kill the plants!

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Sounds easier than using a measuring jug to fill up the watering can, and then walking from the bathroom, through the hall, dining room and kitchen to water the tomatoes.

I did suggest to (& Paul) that he take the radiator off one of the walls in the bedroom (the bathroom is en suite), take out the window and put in patio doors (we live in a bungalow) so that I can go straight into the courtyard garden.

He just went :roll: (nothing new there then)

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I saw the Monty Don programme the other day, very interesting although I can't see hubby straining all the washing up water through a fleece somewhow. I do have a watering can at the back door though, and am trying to put "grey" water in that as much as possible.

I did get :twisted::twisted: though today, visited our local shopping centre, and the number of people buying paddling pools :shock: Somewhere must have had them on promotion, because it looked like every other person was carrying one of these today.... hot weather, children in the garden, I can see the appeal, but we're meant to be conserving water.

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My elderly neighbour has had his sprinkler on since 9am this morning :shock: A scorcher of a day (well for up here anyway :roll: ), so most of the water must be evaporating.


Natalie has had the Argos catalogue in the garden with a tape measure to measure the lawn for inflatable swimming pools and water slides. I have told her that even though we do not have a hosepipe ban we should still conserve as much water as we can.

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Try running some water from the tap into the hose in the bath as this can stimulate the siphoning action basically the pipe needs to be full of water to make it work so using a tap to back fill it can be the quickest way to get it started 8)


Used to have a water bath at work which had no drain and that is how I emptied it :lol:


Just clarifying it was not a mispent youth nicking petrol wher I learned about syphons :oops::lol:

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