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Guinea pigs and rabbits

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As it seems Toffee has gone bless her, I was wondering if Fudge and a Guinea pig put together would be OK.


Looking on the internet some sites say yes and others say no.


Guinea pig owners what do you think?


Fudge is a boy rabbit by the way.

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Some people find that they get along fine, but specialist advice is not to mix them as they have differing dietary requirements and bunnies have been known to savage GPs. They also have different comfort needs and GPs generally need to be brought in to somewhere sheltered in the winter.


I used to keep GPs as a child and they are lovely pets, but can't be litter trained, so make a dreadful mess :roll:


The breeder I bought our bunnies from is a real expert in both and she doesn't recommend keeping them together.

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My advice would be not to put them together. You'll always find that some people do successfully let them co-habit, but general advice is against it, and I wouldn't risk it personally.

Claret, I assume you mean they would make a mess if in the house? That's true, but I wouldn't say they make a mess otherwise, just thought I'd clarify (claretfy! :wink: ) they are easy to look after.

Sorry about your situation, Clare* hope something works out well. :)

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I would say no as well.

We had a male Rabbit and a female Guinea Pig. They were together at the place we bought them from and only babies.

They lived together happily until the Rabbit reached maturity.One day we found GP bleeding, she was covered in bite marks and had torn ears :( A trip to the Vets was needed. The Vet explained that the Rabbit had probably tried to mate with her :shock:

They were not put together again.

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Hi there,

We had a guinea pig and a rabbit that lived together for years, rabbit was male and guinea was female (he was a dwarf rabbit though, but not as small as some I've seen)... we also had three guinea pigs living together in another hutch. When the rabbit's guinea pig died, and a couple of years later two of the other guinea pigs had also died, we found ourselves with one rabbit and one guinea in separate hutches... I was reluctant at first to let them interact, but as bunny had always been very affectionate with 'his' guinea, eventually I gave it a careful try, putting them together in a run... they had never shared a run before, but their hutches were right next to each other so they knew each other in a 'conversational' way :wink:

Well believe it or not, as I was ready to jump and intervene should there be any hostile reaction, guinea and bunny looked at each other for a few seconds then to my HUGE surprise leaped into each other's arms.... grooming, cuddling, and finally a nap together with their furry bodies all muddled up together ensued, and they lived together in perfect harmony after that... constantly grooming each other and snuggling up....


Thought I'd tell the story cause it's so cute, and goes to show it can work... but as some people have said it doesn't always work... so caution is probably the best advice... I was just happy I took the risk cause they were so happy together and we never had any problems... I guess it all depends on the temperament of a particular rabbit, though I've heard females can be less accomodating than males once they have reached maturity...


All the best,

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I have a female rabbit and male guinea pig living together. They have been together for about 3 years now and are inseperable. I've never had any problems with biting etc and they quite often snuggle up to each other, it's so cute to see. I know some people don't recommend it but i have done this with many of my rabbits/guinea pigs over the years and not once have i had to seperate them.

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We have always kept rabbits and guinea's together, and always been wary at first introductions, especially when bringing in a new one, and at the moment have a female rabbit and male GP and they are very happy together :D


They do have different food, but also eat each others when in the run together :roll:


karen x

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I feed my rabbit and guinea pig exactly the same food.....Russell Rabbit. Buddy (guinea pig) has been eating this ever since he was young, he's about 5 now and has never been poorly. They also get fresh greens/kale and carrots every day plus hay. I know guinea pigs need daily vitamin c but as long as they get it someway i don't see it matters if they eat rabbit food.

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I have known rabbits produce babies when there has been no male with them and it is exactly what you said Clare they can store the sperm and use it a second time so chances are the bunny was able to manipulate this herself :lol: It could be that a litter mate did the deed before they were seperated and the doe has kept it in storage as she was not yet mature enough :wink:


If indeed a gunea and a bunny did produce babies they would look very odd and probably not survive I have never heard of it before though and I have seen some pretty odd things in my time :shock::lol:

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Sorry but it's never a good idea to put Rabits and Guins together - if it's done there is a big risk. Rabbits will mount Guineas and can cause terrible internal damage, Rabbits have very stong back legs and will thump at danger - if the Guinea is in the way, there can be severe injuries. They also groom which Guineas don't do and sometimes the Guineas put up with it because they can't get away. They also don't talk the same language as Guins so aren't the sociable friends that Guineas want.

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When l was a child we had a rabbit called roger he was so well trained he loved children sitting with us in the garden.We got him a ginipig and they really got on they were always together then about 2 years latter my rabbit killed his little friend he was covered in blood.L could not believe he had done it l was about 10 years old and could not understand why this had happened.I for one would now never ever put a rabbit with a ginipig.

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Have decided to try gps as now had 3 rabbits die of myxi and 1 rabbit of dental infection. Have read comments re putting the 2 together. Can gps get myxi? I just don't think the daughter would handle another death in 8months. We now have a lone rabbit so intend putting runs next to each other for some time before we try anything with them together. Suggestions/advice graefully received


2 exbats Lady Tottington (Totty) Molly

1 unwanted 1/2 bantam Babs

Cat Henry

Rabbit Lilac

1 desperate daughter 13yrs

1 OH


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