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Yes thats right - Knitters NOT Knickers! :wink::lol::lol::lol:


OH & I always shop at Oxfam, generally buy gifts from there & have signed up to their email updates.


This is one we have just received about knitting - so if you knit why not get involved for a great cause?

I cant cast on or off so will get friends to help me.


Knitting a square - how hard can it be? 8)



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Casting on and off...not as hard as you think.


Casting on.

1. Make a loop in the wool (I use a slip knot, but any method of making a loop just a bit bigger than your needles will do).

2. Go as if to knit this loop, but don't slide it off your left needle, You should now have a loop on your left needle and one on your right.

3. Slip the loop on your right needle on to the left one. You now have two loops on your left needle....you have cast on one stitch. Now just repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have enough stitches.


Casting off. There are two easy ways:


1. Knit the first two loops of the row

2. Slip your left needle under the first of the loops you have knitted and which are sitting furthest to the right on your right needle.

3. Ease this loop over the top of the other loop and over the end of the needle so it is now looped around other loop.

4. Knit another loop from the left needle and repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have cast off the right amount.


1. Knit together the first two loops on your left needle.

2. Transfer the resulting loop from your right needle back onto the left and then knit this together with the next loop on the left needle.

Repeat until you have cast off the right amount.

The second method gives a stretchier finish.


Hope this helps!

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Have signed up to this, so thanks for the link Emma! I've been busy knitting recently and have so far this year made: A snuggle tank top in Big Wool, A huge fluffy pink cardigan, also in Big Wool, a little purse type thing for my sister and have almost finished a shrug! Then I'm planning to knit and felt a bag!

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I've also signed in for the knitting - I'd love to see the whole blanket, I bet it'll be very impressive.


I've been knitting a lot in the past few years. Just lots and lots of weird jumpers (most of which I can't wear but which would look gorgeous on some thin lady :evil::cry: ). I've also knitted a chicken family boiled egg warmers (hen, cockerel and two chicks), a hat for the hens to stop them from getting frostbite on their crests ("Ooops, word censored!"ody liked wearing it, so it got recycled :doh: ), jumpers for the boys, Hogwarts socks for the boys, and all sort of weird things!


One of these days I'll get a web domain name and have my own web page with all the stuff I paint/knit/make... anyone knows of a cheap way of obtaining a personal web page (I work on a mac and most 'facilities' are for PC users only :think:


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We went to a great show a couple of months or so ago. Woolfest in Cockermouth. I got some half price Regia sock wool and some alpaca (that I'm also doing socks with - for her indoors) at £1.50 for 100 grams.


I also got some ebony needles. I broke one pretty quickly. I knit tightly and have tried bamboo needles but they break and so I'm back with steel needles - the wool slides much better.


It was a really good show and I'd recommend it .

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I also got some ebony needles. I broke one pretty quickly. I knit tightly and have tried bamboo needles but they break and so I'm back with steel needles - the wool slides much better.


You must knit really tightly, or just too much knitting! My Mum does a lot of knitting, (when she has time) and found that knitting with bamboo needles wasn't giving her aching bones. Mind you I don't think she has any ebony needles though, they would have got broken very easily when I was little as I had a habit of trying to bend them...

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... anyone knows of a cheap way of obtaining a personal web page (I work on a mac and most 'facilities' are for PC users only :think:



I pay about 12 dollars a year for my personal domain name - its my surname.net. I have five email addresses - so my email is richard@surname.net (not the word surname, MY surname I'm sure you understand). Her indoors has pauline@surname.net, our son has matt@surname.net etc. My web page is www.surname.net


I do it through Yahoo geocities.

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I am a demon knitter -my latest list of projects is for Christmas two cardis, two pairs of socks, a jacket thingy for LMW and two pairs of socks! oops must get those fingers working and less time on here! :shock: I have fantasctic little wooden sock needles so light and easy to use, the rest of my needles are steel.


As for learning to knit - pop into a wool shop, the staff are usually only too happy to give a quick lesson. Some shops even do workshops........if you are in the Suffolk area check out Purl and Co in Ipswich ( they have a website).

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Thanks for the casting on & off info but im already in knots! :roll::lol::lol:


I will get a friend to help me afterall, if she can cast on twice for me then thats 2 squares for the baby blanket.


I will feel like a real 'mum' sitting here pregnant and knitting squares for a baby blanket! :lol::lol::lol:

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My 95 year old MIL has knitted hundreds of squares that someone collects and sews into blankets for Romanian orphans. She starts off with one stitch and increases each side for so many rows and then decreases each side until she has only one stitch left - no casting on or off needed and a perfect square every time.

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