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Can Anyone Tell Me What They Think ?

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Hi All,


One of my very good friends has been feeling pins and needles in her limbs since about July. She also said she feels like she's sitting on broken glass :shock: and that she can feel like tremors/spasms inside her body (not shaking hands or anything but inside). She paid privately to have an MRI scan as she was getting her panties in such a bunch over it, she couldnt wait for a scan through the NHS.


She got her results this morning and says that the Dr who is supposed to explain the results is on holiday for another 3 weeks. The locum standing in for him has now gone off work sick and there is "Ooops, word censored!"ody to explain anything to her. :notalk: She was told the results show as 'inconclusive' but was informed there is a mass/shadow/lesion/dark patch on her spine.


Can anyone advise me what they think these symptoms could be, or has anyone they know experienced anything like this? :think: Obviously any opinions expressed wont be taken as literal, I just dont know what to think. Could it be Motor Neurone disease, Osteoporosis, MS, God forbid - cancer?! I wont be passing any info gleaned from here back to her, I dont know who else to ask and with the vast amount of brains on here, I thought some of you could help....


Yours in worry and trepidation,




(pink eglu)



(white chicken)


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It was a bit thoughtless to say that is showed anything. Why couldnt they just have told your friend they couldnt give results. Really scary for you having to wait. May not be any of the nasties you think of, but I know you always think its the worst. One good thing could be that because something has shown up then it could be removed to relieve the symptoms that your friend has.

Feel for you and hope its not long before someone is there who can interpret the result for you.

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Oh dear Kimmy, it is worrying, but there are so many possibilities that it is pointless getting too anxious until the results are known. There is no denying it could be something bad, but it could equally be something treatable. The most important thing is that something has been found, now they can move forward with treatment. The worst part is the waiting. Oh dear, none of that sounds very helpful does it?? :? (((Hugs))) to you and your friend.

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Poor girl.


It could be any one of a thousand things, or nothing at all.


Best wait till someone who has examined her and is competent to interpret the scan to express an opinion though.


A worrying time for her.....and you. The delay is unfortunate and must be adding to the anxiety.


All the best.

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Hiya I am a MRI radiographer and to be honest a 'dark patch' could be lots of things. I can tell you it's definitely not MS or motor neurone disease, these are only diagnosed through a brain scan.

The most common cause of 'dark patches' is osteoporosis, metastatic disease or haemagiomas.

The best thing is to say nothing and wait for a diagnosis. You could worry her about a tumour when it could simply be poor bone quality.

The best thing I can say is, if they suspect anything malignant they won't be hanging around they'll be sending her for further testing.

If she is post menopausal chances are it's ostoporosis or an infection of some sort.

Hope she gets a result soon.

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Firstly thank you all for your hugs and wishes! :D


Moochoo, thanks so much for your comments. I see what youre saying about the fact that it could be lots of things, she is aged 37 and post menopausal, so would it be osteoporosis this early? :think: It amazed me that there appeared to be "Ooops, word censored!"ODY that could take over from the Dr off sick or the Dr on holiday, in order to explain it and at least advise her of what came up on the scan! :shock: I know they will have to do more tests but she is in a right pickle thinking about what it could be. She has a daughter aged 16 and two boys, aged 8 and 6 and an OH, all of who are wide eyed with horror.


Thanks again.





PS I wont be telling her anything - I was just trying to find more info for myself. :)


(pink eglu)



(white chicken)


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Hi Kimmy


My husband works in a hospital and he agrees with MooChoo and says that if it was anything serious there is no way they would let someone go off without explaining the results, they would get the patient straight back in for some more investigations so take comfort from that!




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