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Can 2 bantams be housed with hens?

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I'm still fairly green at all this, but I always seem to aquire my pets through accident rather than design.


The two hens I have now in my eglu, a Warren and a Light Sussex were adopted from owners who didn't want them anymore. I may now have the chance of two no longer wanted peking bantams.


After the usual introduction period and separate runs and housing etc, can these four be housed together in the same eglu?

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yes yes yes, they can all live happily ever after. Our bantams, particularly the light sussex turned out to be VERY feisty so introductions were interesting, but ours all get along fine now.

I know what you mean about acquired pets, my cat, four bantams we ended up with, the snails, all accidental acquisitions! (they can be the best king though!)


Mrs B

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They are not coming now, going somewhere else.


Someone who is a real bantam lover is taking them in so all for the best.


But what would have been the problems?


I honestly thought the hens would have picked on them but that is obviosly my greeness showing. Are bantams that feisty that they would have picked on my big girls?

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We had some problems initially housing the bantams with the big girls and had to buy alternative accomodation (purple eglu) for the bantams to stop the bullying.


However, the awkward madames have all moved into the (cube green) together now. We have between 12 & 15 chickens all piling in together each night. My lavender pekin rules the roost and heaven help any hen who is in the nesting box when she wants it.

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Hi, I had bantam who grew up with the big girls, they were all fine and the bantam was the boss they were happy for about 6 months but then one day out of the blue the other three turned on her - I carnt beleive that her mates can turn on her like that after all that time - I am no expert but I think it depends on the nature of each bird. Hope it works out for you!

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