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advertising my hens

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hi everyone, im debating at the moment whether or not to advertise my hens and eglu. im off to uni in september and wont be able to look after them anymore, theres a chance mum and dad will want to but thats to be decided. if i do want to advertise them is the best way to do it on omlet? id like them to go to someone who knows what they're doing really so wouldnt want to advertise them to any old person. anyone have any thoughts? thankyou, em

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Hi Em


Sorry to hear that you might not be able to keep your chooks. I do hope that you'll find someone who will take them on for you. Otherwise, there is a second hand Eglu section at the bottom of this forum where you can advertise. I know that Eglus (and chooks) have been snapped up quickly here.


Be careful not to post your personal details though - either correspond by PM if you are a member or email barbara on barbara@omlet.co.uk with your contact details so that she can put people in touch with you.


Whereabouts are you located?


I shan't move this thread to the second hand Eglus section just yet as you're not yet ready to sell, but it should get plenty of traffic here.


Good luck

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Good advice Clare.


If you do decide to go ahead and advertise Em, just put the details of how much you'd like for the Eglu, what's going to be sold with it, a vague idea of your location (nothing too specific please) and how old and what type of chickens you've got.


It's sad that you're not going to be able to look after them any longer but I'm sure there are lots of people around who would love to care for them for you if you do decide that you're going to let them go.


If you'd be happier for Barbara to advertise it for you and to pass on details to you to avoid you being hassled unnecessarily, do e-mail her with the details as I'm sure she'd be happy to help.

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:( Have a good discussion with your parents first though, Em! Of course, they might not want anything to do with them, but it's worth seeing what they think. If being restricted in going away is a problem, perhaps you could find a local back up?

Hope it works out well, one way or the other. :)

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i live Cheshire way and my hens are about one and a half. they are lovely little hens and no trouble what so ever. i can ignore them for days and they just get on with it. it is a shame giving them up but if i can find a better owner for them that would be fantastic, it would also be their third home, i hope they dont get too confused?! thanks everyone, em

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Em, we are in cheshire, if it would make life easier we could foster them for you, untill you were in a position to take them back, with full visiting rights of course!, as long as they didn't mind mingling with my girls now and again?


Have a think and hope you find a solution.


karen x

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so sorry i've not got back to you Karen! i've been really busy! that is a fantastic offer thankyou but really it would mean fostering them for the whole four years while im at uni. i think thats asking a bit much really, but thankyou so much, it is really generous of you.


also, theres a vegan family at my church who have decided that they could eat eggs if they could be sure of the hens welfare. so they might be willing to take them on! which would be brilliant really as its not far away at all and i know that they are a lovely family and would really take care of them.


sorry i've not been back to you again Karen! hope i havnt inconvenienced you!


thankyou everyone,



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wow Karen that really is generous! thankyou so much for your offer! im just not sure whether il be able to have the hens back at the end of it. i know i sound a terrible hen keeper but im just trying to think of the practicalities of it all. what i really need to do is take them with me. im sure they wouldnt mind halls. :D


thankyou again!

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