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a picture to cool you down

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I went to stockholm 2 weeks ago, whilst we were there we went to the original absolut ice bar. It doesnt get above -5 degrees and the whole place really is made out of ice shipped in from somewhere in the north of Sweden ( i forget the place name) it really was cool! it's that cold you get a very fetching silver cape to wear. Nice.


NB. The glasses on the left of the picture are all made out of ice aswell.



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I would LOVE to go to that ice hotel,wherever it is,where you get to sleep on deer skins.


In fact,I might move in :lol:


Laura,that looks great.What a wonderful place to visit!


We went there when my folks took us all to Lapland, we had to wear so many layers that it wasn't very comfortable, but it was a great experience. I liked the 24 grey light that they have in winter; the sun 'comes up', well lightens the sky slightly for 10 minutes, then disappears again. Everything is lit by candles and fires so it's very romantic.

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I would LOVE to go to that ice hotel,wherever it is,where you get to sleep on deer skins.


In fact,I might move in :lol:


Laura,that looks great.What a wonderful place to visit!


We went there when my folks took us all to Lapland, we had to wear so many layers that it wasn't very comfortable, but it was a great experience. I liked the 24 grey light that they have in winter; the sun 'comes up', well lightens the sky slightly for 10 minutes, then disappears again. Everything is lit by candles and fires so it's very romantic.


we had it the other way round, the sun didnt go down at all! i took photos at 10.45pm and it looked like the middle of the day! we also were there on the longest day and the swedes really go for midsomer festivals.

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:shock::shock::? - you don't suffer from claustrophobia then Sarah? :?



Strangely I sort of do actually.

I get panicked in areas which are crowded & I can't escape from....like a cinema or a plane :?

I am OK in a confined space,so long as I can get out.Lifts are fine 8)

Those capsules look so cosy..........


I was not planning on my little capsule being too crowded :lol::lol::lol:

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I would also like to go to one of those Japanese capsule hotels.....has anyone tried one of those?


There is one opening at Gatwick later this summer :P ,but I reckon I need to go to Japan to get the full experience :lol:


bizzarely i have been to japan. we went a couple of years ago, but we didnt see one capsule hotel at all. we did however see lots and lots of very very painfully polilte people.


this is me in a japanese robe thingy



this is the empty imperial gardens in kyoto



and my all time fav picture a japanese toilet WITH REMOTE CONTROLS!!!!!


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