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?? impacted crop,fading fast!!

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:( can anyone please advise me about one of my girls saffy? I noticed on friday that her crop was still very full in the morning,so after trying massage and olive oil, yesterday I resorted to the white maggots.She is getting much weaker now,she keeps laying down and her crop is getting bigger rather than smaller.She is losing so much weight,she is still drinking and trying to eat(although she seems to be struggling getting food down).She has even laid today but just looks like she is fading very quiclky and I just dont know what else to do.Can anyone help x
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You are doing all the right things re the oil, massage and the white maggots so keep it up and encourage her to eat the maggots as they usually help to shift any blockage she has.


Ensuring she is drinking is good as she will need to be kept hydrated.


A trip to the vet tomorrow morning sounds like it is needed.


Do keep us posted on her progress.

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thanks for all the messages of support.Saffy is still here,her crop does not feel as big today and is more squishy than hard today? you can sort of hear fluid in it as you massage it.She is still walking around with the others but obviously not well.Her comb is not upright and her usual red.People at work keep telling me to put her out of her miesery but I could not possibly do that! i dont know whether just to carry on as we are and see how she goes or whether a vet could do anything different for her???she is only young and I feel like I have failed her :cry:

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I have been giving her yoghurt but have not got any of the apple cider stuff.She has just been out in the garden with the others and was running after my daughter with the others.she is definately a lot brighter than yesterday but the lump is still there and very big.Hopefully though it will pass through her.These little girls are to precious to loose :!:

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Is there any chance of cutting down on what she eats at the moment? The last thing you need now is for her to eat even more food while the blockage is still clearing. If you have some spearate housing that would be ideal.


I usually recommend the following regime:


Stop solid food

Add Avipro to the water for extra nutrients

Add ACV to the water and probiotic yoghurt to the food to stop the crop going sour

Massage the crop after dripping warm olive oil into her beak

Feed on live white magggots.


Phil's dad is a retired poultryman and he used to use much the same routine.

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Can anyone tell me if I need to get more maggots now she has eaten all the others? or does she just need that one lot of them? she has had over third of pint of them :vom: I must say she has been laying all the time still :clap: tomorrow I will just give her a bit of yoghurt in morning,water all day and yoghurt again when I get home x

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Just wanted to say Claret and Egluntines advice given so far is just what I did for my Henny who had a squishy large crop in the mornings (BTW it's Henny's picture on the FAQ with her lumpy crop).


It took a good few weeks but as she was eating, drinking and sprightly I didn't take her to a vet but would have done if I felt it was needed.


She had live white maggots and live yoghurt (eg Actimel etc), plus ACV which I give them routinely anyway. And for a few weeks I added 1 or 2 pints of warm water to the pellets to make a sloppy "porridge" with a dollop of yoghurt on top. I felt this would be easier for her to digest through her crop and also get extra fluid into her. However, a note of caution, my hens got addicted to "porridge" and went off pellets for ages until I put my foot down and didn't give them anything else.


I think Henny's crop has been stretched by this incident. It is now empty in the mornings so I know she is OK, but at lunchtime she has a pronounced crop devoid of feathers and looks just like skin where she has lost the elasticity and I think it stretches easily. I sometimes worry sour crop has returned (as I have heard this can repeat) but it always goes down in the morning which is a good sign.


Hope your hen perks up soon.

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HW, you're quite right, the muscles surrounding the crop can slacken when they repeatedly gorge themselves and get impacted or sour crop.


This is why the problem is more prevalent in hybirds who are more greedy :?


There is a fine dividing line between impacted and sour crop and the first can sometimes end up as the latter as the unemptied crop contents start to ferment, which is why the live yoghurt, ACV and other probiotics are so essential. Avipro is a great product and I always have some handy; not only is it laden with probiotics, but it has lots of essential vits too, which will help an ailing bird. I also use it on cats, dogs and bunnies. You shoudl be able to get it from your vet, otherwise it is available online.

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A dollop of home made apple sauce every now then might help too. This tip was given to me by a hen keeping friend who disapproves massively of Eglus, :D but has years of experience.


It helps keep the PH in the crop as it should be, and the slight acidity may also helps to dissolve the plug. Also, the moisture helps all round, as the muscular waves which attempt to push the food along also serve to squeeze the moisture out of the plug, thereby making the problem worse.

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thankyou all so much for all this advice.Tonight her crop is still very large although she is very spritely and talking alot.She is in her own area with just water and yoghurt but is going mad to get out,so I do feel very cruel.I know if she gets out though she can get to food! :wall: I might give her some pellets and warm water?? surely if she was really ill with it she would be more lethargic than she is? she is going to go to vets on thursday for a check x

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Well I tried my best for her but took her to the vets for his opinion.Even though she seemed quite spritely her crop was still very big and the only way to get her to put weight on was to have surgery.However much we loved her I couldnt justify spending £180 pound on a chicken,for her to come home and maybe eat long grass again :!: If she did not have the operation she would have slowly starved anyway.So the kindest thing to do was to let her go to chicken heaven :pray::pray::pray: all very upset here,she will be sadly missed.Sleep well Saffy,miss you alreadyx x xsorry x

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