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Muddy paws - any ideas??

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Hi everyone - I've not been around much recently as little Molly the Wheaten Terrier has been keeping me pretty busy.


She's now 14 weeks old and we're all getting used to her funny little ways but we're still struggling with house training. According to the books, it could be 6 months before she's really got the hang of it!!!! :shock:


Anyway, do any of you have dogs that like to dig? If so, how on earth do you cope on a wet day when they come in covered in mud???? Molly has already had a bath this morning after a messy night (she had a wobbly tum) and now she's just come in from playing with Rolo in the garden and needed another dunking of paws to get rid of all the mud. I don't think fencing off part of the garden is going to be an option as the grass would then get totally churned up by the chooks as well.


Any ideas? :think:

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We keep a small selection of "dog towels" and a handy mop and bucket near the back door....


Our boys get their feet wiped as they come in on the towels. They now know not to head off before this is done :lol:


When the weather is disgusting (like today), the floor is mopped constantly, and we spread a couple of towels out near the back door, so they soak up the wet and mud.


It's time consuming, but better than being jumped on by a pair of wet and muddy Boxers :roll:


P.S. Yup, toilet training can go on for 6 to 9 months... it does get better though, honest!!

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I keep an old washing-up bowl by the back door and when the dogs are going to come in all muddy, fill it with hot water and a little dab of baby shampoo. They get their legs dunked as they come in and a quick wipe of their tums too. Then I have a pile of old towels to hand and they get dried off as much as poss. It's part of the routine now and they tolerate it well.

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We also train Jazz to stop and sit on the mat every time she comes in - whatever the weather. She still doesn't always do it automatically but if she forgets, she will stop if I tell her to. It's amazing how much difference that makes when it is wet muddy weather.

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jessie the spaniel gets very muddly feet and also when it snows shes forms her own snow boots! :shock:

We were told to rub some baby oil into her fur arund her feet to stop the snow... which it does.. to a certain point, but I never remember to keep doing it. (bad me)


We also do the towel scene at the back door, and they have their own towels which I seems to be washing every five minutes! when it snows we have warm water near the back door and I have also heated the towels in the tumble or on a rad just as Jessie's come in so she has warm towels around her footsies which melts the ice/snow balls.


She does like to run through the bushes though so she gets wet through everywhere and likes to let me know it... :eh:


Suzi hasn't started to dig yet, but she does chase Jessie through the bushes, but as she's so little she comes out dry becayse she's run underneath most of them.. :lol:

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we have an endless supply of dog towels in the garage. She goes in there to be dried off before entering the house.


If she's really bad - hose down with the hosepipe and then towel dry.


I bought my dirt trap mat from Lakeland, its great and I wash it in the washing machine. When Bracken can enter the house she then has to stay in the kitchen (with dog towel covering her basket) until she is dry enough to come in the front room. :)


You will get your own routine soon im sure!


We've just recently bought Bracken a brand new dog coat, it wasnt cheap but its waterproof and warm and has a "belly panel" that goes underneath and a toggle around the neck to pull it tighter....she suffers from sores on her belly when she gets wet so the coat will help eliminate that. A coat might be a good idea for your doggie too.


we got this one



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