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Hi all,


I am a bit upset as a friend has just informed me that my girls would only lay eggs for the 1st two years and I would have to get rid of them after that as they can live up to 20 years?!!!! is that right? do they just stop laying?

I dont think I could just get rid of them -thats so harsh! poor things. I know my boys would be devistated to!

we got them at pol this summer,


Sorry if I sound daft, just have no idea as quite new to keeping chooks!


can anyone shed any light on this?


many thanks


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Hello Emma and welcome to chicken keeping.


If you have bought hybrid hens, then they will lay at maximum capacity for the first 2 or 2.5 years, when they will start to lay less, but bigger eggs and can continue to lay like that for a couple more years sometimes.


Some people like to do a form of stock rotation and get in some new pullets after about 18 months so that they always have some hens who are laying at top-whack. This does mean that you eventually end up with more hens than you first planned for, but most of us are in that boat anyway! :oops:


The fact that they might lay less eggs or even stop laying doesn't mean that your family will be any less fond of their feathered friends, in fact, my daughter's favourite hen is a delicate little Dutch bantam who only gives us about 3 egsg a year... if we're lucky!

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Hi Claret,

thanks for replying

we have a Black star, bovian goldline and an Amber Lee!

oh no, thing is I dont think I have room for that, shame though as I love my girls and the eggs are amazing ( currently getting almost one a day!)

my Dh wont be too happy eaither as he isnt too keen on the girls ( as have had a few issues with there house and escaping! opps! I think its funny but there we go!!)

and he is pasified with the eggs....... dont think I will tell him just yet!! lol!

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20 years :shock:


I thought they lived untill around 4-6 years????


Depends on the type of hen really; pure breeds tend to live longer than hybrids (generally), but a particular hen may fall ill and die earlier. Those ages quoted are just guides... I have never heard of one living to 20 years before though :shock:


I try not to worry about their ages and just enjoy having them while they are with us.

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When I went to the feed merchants to buy pellets etc. for my new girls, the man there (old fashioned farmer type) told me 'expect them to live around 5 years and to be 'in retirement for 2 or 3 years of that', which I took to mean they will stop laying eggs after 2-3yrs.

I think a 20 year old chook would be a record breaker :shock:

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Although I LOVE the gifts my ladies supply me with on a daily basis, I can't remember my life without them. I will (like most people) continue to buy hens so I can always have a fresh supply of eggs, but if and when my girls stop "producing" they will be free to retire and enjoy lazy days snoozing in the sun. As far as I can remember, my pet cats and dogs have never supplied me with a food source and have lived a long life of luxury.

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dont worry about dh not having fallen in love with them yet... it suddenly creeps up on them!!!


My hubby is away 1 week in 4 as he travels abroad, but when he comes home he has to check that the kids and i are ok and then he disappears into the garden to catch up on the interlectuall chat with the girls!!! He's gone totally soft on them and often spends more tme out there with them than me!!! that's not fair!!!!!!!!


Just give him time ... I bet he'll be cleaning out the poo trays before you know it... apparently that's their way of bonding!!!



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lol,I wouldnt get a chance to eat any of the cats pressies- they eat it all apart from the liver nice :vom::lol:

I think we all have been caught py the chicken bug,........... I have come up with a cunning plan, im going to wait a year untill my girlies are going in to retirement then persuade DH that the rubbish wooden coop we have is falling apart and a cube would be much better.... volia more room for a few more chooks ( two birds with one stone so to speak!!)!!! :lol: ......... just hope we have room in the garden!!!!!!!!!!!

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So eggscited!!!!!!!! Had a chat with my wonderful hubby over the weekend about how much I loved having chooks and how they enriched our lives!! and gently explained that how they would be going in to retirement after a few years and he agrred that for my bday and xmas pressie next year (as there is only two weeks between them ) I could ask every one to chip in for a cube and a couple more chooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!! :P

have to wait till next year as him and his dad have just built a run so dont htink Id be very popular at all if it was this year!!!!!

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Treacle, my Suffolk Noir is supposed to be only about 18 months old, but has hardly laid for ages. A couple a month and I'm lucky. I still love her though. Maybe she'll pick up in the Spring. She is having a major moult at the moment, so that may be contributing, but she's been like this for a while now.


Toffee (Suffolk Blacktail) who I bought at the same time lays virtually every day without fail! It's all a mystery to me. :lol:

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Not heard of a 20 yr old chook! :shock: Not that it would worry me. If I got rid of things that I loved because they didnt provide me with anything but love and trouble my kids would have gone ages ago! :wink:


Dont worry about 'he who would like to be obeyed' - its all bravado - he adores them - they all do! :shh:


Sal x

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