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Dappy Chickens all piling into one eglu

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Hi Guys


I have one (cube green) and one (green eglu):D


I have 8 chooks and 3 bantams.


They are all in one big covered run together.


I have tried to encourage the banties to sleep in the little (green eglu) and leave the (cube green) for the big girls - but oh no! They all pile into the (cube green) to be together, which means there is 11 chooks (albeit 3 are bantams) in one cube. Taking into consideration that 3 are weeny bantams - do you think this is ok to have 11 in together (when I know they suggest only 10 - but i'm guessing that means large fowl)? They all seem happy and tickerty boo! It just seems a bit of a waste that I have (green eglu) sitting empty at night. The only time they all use it is to lay in - as I am guessing that they are all too lazy to hop up the ladder.


What do you guys think?


Much appreciated.

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