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Tips for Mum Returning to Work!!

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Well I've gone and done it!! My little one is now at school, so after half term I'm going to be a working mum. I've accepted a job working in a school, which will be term time only, and gives me enough time to drop the children off at their school and then dash to work, and then madly dash from work to collect them from school at the end of the day.


I'm not sure when things like housework will get done! Any tips from working mums will be much appreciated.

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A really good routine of cooking at the weekend to see you through the week and getting the laundry done.

Lots of planning for shopping for lunch and evening meals.

If you can then find a cleaner who can come in for a few hours, if they are are good they will be worth their weight in gold!

Hope you enjoy your new job.

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I work term time only as well and work 4 days a week through the term, so my day off if usulally hectic!! Weekends are busy with Saturday youngest sons football matches, Sunday Oldest sons football matches... so that leaves me a few hours in teh afternoons and evenings to 'try' and make sense of my house....


good luck!!... :D and congratualtions on your new job!! xx

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Ok.. Here goes... iron as little as possible, fold up and "airing cupboard most of it.

little ones can match socks etc, and can fold pants... in piles of ownership.

batch cook and freeze, bolognaise and cottage pie are good!! so is roast chicken, can be cut up and frozen, or eaten over several days.

Forget about dusting, noone notices except you!! I do ours on the whole at half terms etc, as I work term time too. do the bits that show, like the mantlepiece!!leave the rest.

do the book bag/school stuff sraight away, then its done(people think you're really efficient too!!)

Have a glass in the evening, and get to bed at a reasonable time, as it all seems so much worse if you're tired.

Enjoy the new job, and if you feel you're sinking at home, then write it down in big letters and hand it to the OH, as if it's anything like mine, he hears, but doesnt listen....

Have fun!

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:D I did a similar thing a year ago - and love it. Echo what everyone else has said so far - also, be really selfish with "family" time at weekends, as these will seem like the only quality time you get with your OH and children.


Get homework, bags and lunchboxes done asap - as there is always something else to do otherwise, and the rush at the end of the week when everyone ir tired is NOT good. Lay breakfast out the night before - then the little ones can start to learn self service of cereal, and gives you a bit of extra time to get ready.


My weekends are 1st and foremost supporting my boys at football, and spending time as a family. Just done my spring cleaning - but like a care anymore :wink::lol: Time will zoom by when you are working termtime - make the most of it, and have fun - it will all slot into place for you :D:dance:

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I think the biggie is to enjoy your work :D . If you're coping well with that and enjoying the job that you're doing then you have the motivation to make everything else fit into place. Being organised helps....a lot, as does getting the rest of the family on side to help with the running of the home, but there's no hard and fast way to do it, just whatever works best for you.

I agree with SarahJo though, really make sure that you build in family time, try to not let catching up with cooking, cleaning or whatever dominate the weekends.

Good luck with it :D

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:roll::lol: Have another tip - just done it myself - if your children do lots of things on different days, make a timetable and laminate it - then use a non-permanent pen to identify who and when. :D


I have mine on the back door - tells me who has outdoor PE, cross country, football after school, recorder, Guitar, swimming etc - also have a slot for donations to school/trips/cake stalls etc. :P . May seem a bit OTT but usually I then have the right kit with the right child on the correct day :D

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Don't stress about the housework :lol: my capacity for mess and dirt is waaaay higher than my mums (who didn't go out to work).


You'll need to develop the knack of ignoring what needs doing so that at tyimes you can seize the moment and do something with your children at the w/e.


Course I made things worse for myself by taking on a major house and garden renovation as well as working full-time and being involved in the community.


I'd definitely echo the being selfish about your w/e's. Generally I prefer relatives to come vist me rather than treking all over - the extra tidy up before visitors come is a side benefit 8)

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I agree with all the above - but mostly ENJOY your job. I love mine and it helps put everything into perspective. But I have 4 kids so do without fail:


timetable for daily/ weekly acitivities so "Ooops, word censored!"ody forgets


husband who does more than his fair share of homework chasing, taxiing and bathing/ bedtime


glass of wine most nights with an hour to do nothing at all


no ironing unless absolutely essential


online supermarket shopping


cleaning done by someone else


chickens to destress and make me laugh


A busy life is a good one - your kids will become more independent, you hubby will value you tremendously and you will feel great, if exhausted. Do let us know how it goes? :D

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