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Apple & cranberry Chutney

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I haven't tried this,but the recipe is a doddle & it looks really pretty in the jars.

Would make a good Christmas hamper pressie :P


Apple and Cranberry Chutney


1kg cooking apples, peeled & cut into small chumks

500g eating apples,peeled & cut into large chunks

450g onions,chopped

50g fresh root ginger,peeled & finely chopped

1tsp peppercorns

500g Granulated sugar

250ml Cider vinegar

500g fresh cranberries


Put all the ingredients except the cranberries into a heavy based pan, & heat slowly to dissolve the sugar.

Bring to the boil & simmer uncovered for 50 mins,stirring regulrlg until the onion & apple is soft & the mixture has thickened


Add the cranberries & cook for 10 mins more until they are just soft but not burst.


Spoon into hot sterilised jars (makes 4 x 500g) & store in a cool dark place. Will keep for 6 months.


As soon as mine is bottled up I will take a piccy for you to see, but if it looks at all like the photo I have here,it will look woderfullt Christmassy!



I got fresh Cranberries in Tesco today (Waitrose said it was too early :roll: ) & they come in 300g bags,so I have 100g spare,if anyone has any ideas what I can do with them?

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Would it be horrendous if I used some dried cranberries I have in the cupboard? ( DS had them in his tuck box but hasn't eaten them!! :roll: ) Maybe I could soak them in some apple juice/cider vinegar to rehydrate them a little & reduce the sugar a little to compensate for their sweetness?


May have a go later as I have some cookers & eaters which need to be used up! (If they don't turn into apple & cranberry crumble for tea that is!!! :whistle: )


Sha x

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:? Not so sure if you used ALL dried Cranberries - to be honest I used 400g frozen and 100g dried. Is better with the plumpness of whole cranberries though - don't think the freezing makes any difference, and the finished product does look as pretty as anticipated Cinnamon. 8)
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