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New girls, new cube AND a 3 egg day

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What an amazing day Friday was (no Halloween jinks for us) - sorry not had time to post any sooner.

We finished building our (cube green)

Attached it to the walk in run.

Our first 3 egg day for our 3 x 22 week old girls

We went to pick up our 3 new girls and came back with 4 :lol:

Well, I couldn't decide! The breeder had put 4 girls aside for me so I could choose from the two leghorns but I couldn't so we took them all.

I have added some pictures of them to my album but here are a few as a taster...


This is Marigold - she is a Buff Mottled Leghorn


This is Pearl - she is a Splash Leghorn who was hatched from a Blue egg so the breeder thinks she may also lay blue eggs :D


This is Dorabella - she is a Speckled Sussex - sorry she kept moving!


and this is Evadne (with red eye - no time to correct yet) who is a Cream Legbar so will lay blue eggs



Here they are all together - it was a really miserable day with no sun so no great pictures until I have a bit more time.




We got them from http://www.peartreefarmpoultry.co.uk near Towcester. They are a really interesting place and have lots of fowl of all kinds. Bantums (loads of really lovely ones), Ex Bats, Cochins, Turkeys etc etc. Chris and Barry were very friendly and helpful and showed us round. They keep poultry as a hobby but it has taken over all their spare time as they breeded and show their own stock.


The new girls are around 4 months old so not laying for a bit yet (they think the Splash Leghorn will be first and the Speckled Sussex last so we will see).


I'll post some more pics of the cube fittings to the outside of the run as my DH crafted a really cool bit of carpentry so we can slide the lid through the weldmesh. Not bad DIY for a musician :clap: .

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What a beautiful flock you have there, Helen! Congratulations on your first 3-egg day too! :D


Do you mind if I ask about your cube? How "big" is the biggest bit pre-assembled? I'm thinking of getting one in place of my two eglus but it would have to fit through the metre-wide door to my walk-in run as it would need to be inside, rather than attached to the outside. Thanks. :D

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Way ahead of you on that one!


Noooo you'll get it before me. What have you done with the chickens I gave you are they now chickens of fate?



Everyone will get their cube before you! its been like, a million years!


Virtual chickens still with us, its a bit of a squeeze in the Eglu though :wink:

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Thanks for all your kind replies and to Prim HenMum for noticing the missing text from my url link (I've corrected it now too) - whoops - less haste more speed there I think as I had to rush to make a lunchtime party.


Redwing - the 6 week delivery wait seemed like an age but gave us lots of time to sort out the run and also to order the new girlies. It was so worth every minute.


Scottie - hope you get a !eggblue! soon!

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Hi Helen, :D

I had a look at the website, they have so many beautiful breeds. :mrgreen: I should imagine it will be hard for you now to not keep going back, especially with your big run. How do they get on with your original girls.

They are getting on pretty well, just a bit of feather pulling (usually with a bit of a squeeky squalk from the littlie) but nothing serious. I think I have been very lucky with this and my last introduction (3 new girls joined my original Eglu girl without too much trouble either as a protest). I make sure they have lots of places to find food and water so no one misses out. Strangely enough one of the new girls Pearl (Splash Leghorn) has been making more of a fuss with the newbies at bedtime than my older girls - and then its only a bit of shuffling and shoving to get the best sleeping spot. I think she is a bit older than the new girls so a bit in the middle if you know what I mean.


The funniest thing that has happened so far is with Dorabella the Speckled Sussex. I opened the eggport last evening to see if anyone was using the nest to sleep in and was confronted with her roosting in the nest entrance so all I could see was her head from one side and her bum from the other - made me lol :lol: as she looked wedged in like a fluffy football. Thankfully her bum was over the droppings tray so the nest is still clean as no one is sleeping there. :clap:


I'll take some better pictures when the weather improves and we get a bit of sun as that always makes their markings show up better and add them to my albums.


And as soon as I get any !eggblue! I will of course be shouting from the highest hill - difficult as I live in the fens :dance:

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And as soon as I get any !eggblue! I will of course be shouting from the highest hill - difficult as I live in the fens :dance:


Good luck as I have had my two Lavender Araucanas since 6th July and no sign of a !eggblue! yet! :roll: I'm anticipating I will be waiting until Spring now.


I am a Lincolnshire girl originally, so grew up in the fens, and then lived in Newmarket before moving to Birmingham 8 years ago. I love the great expanse (flatness) of East Anglia and feel it is my true "home". I would love a small cottage and an acre or two of land to raise chooks, bees and goats and grow my own fruit and veg. I expect it is just a pipe dream, and I will have to be content with a chicken run in the garden and my two allotments for the veggies. :boohoo:

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