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Double buggy advice please.

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We are currently expecting our second baby, and I am starting to look into double buggies. They do not seem to sell what I ideally would like but the closest match I can come up with is the first wheels city twin.


The buggy would need to be able to go in the car, although we have a large car so I am not worried about size when clapsed. We will use the buggy for both popping to the shops and off road.


My older child will be 22 months when the new baby arrives (if all goes to plan!).


I like the idea of the above mentioned buggy as it can be used with a carry cot for the baby. We can also have which ever child facing us or away.


If you use this buggy then pro's and con's please and if you would reccommend? Also if you use a different double buggy, make, pro's, con's and if you would reccommend and why.


Many thanks in advance


Michelle :D

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I had a quite heavy inline double buggy thing when my kids were little. My sister, however, has a really nice one by Phil and Teds. It has a seat that you can remove from underneath. It does mean you don't have a shopping tray if you have both seats on. But it is really easy to push, and once you have the hang of it, really easy to put up and down.

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we ordered a first wheels city twin a few months ago andsent it back. It is a lovely pushchair but it is not as strong as I would like. I put DS in it found that the seat was really rocking when he kicked his legs, it is only held in place by plastic bracket and i wasn't sure that it would stand up to the amount of use that we would give it as we do a lot of walking and need a robust pushchair. The ICandy pear seemed a better bet but DH didn't like it at all. Have you checked out the pushchair discussions on mumsnet. They have found some very good options that I haven't seen in the mainstream UK shops.


We've bought a mountain buggy twin for day to day use and make do with single and sling when we go to shopping centres and places where space is an issue.

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i have used a few , i'm not keen on the phil and teds as the baby is just at exhaust fume level, i walk alot around town so relevant for me. for walking (not sure how it would fit in a car) i love my graco stadium duo. I also have the marco sky, but thats more a convienience buggy than something i'd use for my own kids.

maclarens are always pretty good all rounders.

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Have you considered a buggy board instead. No 1 son was just two when No 2 arrived. It certainly helps encourage him to walk when he can which I think is important, but gives him somewhere to go when he's tired without taking up too much space. Much cheaper and smaller than a double pushchair!!


It's not great for off-roading though. It has certainlyworked for us.

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I would agree with buggy boards and slings.


I have 20 months between each of my lot 1-20mths-2-20mths-3

You get the idea.

I had a second hand double for the first two and it really wasnt worth it. I didnt use it at all for the second batch.

I walk a lot too and especially in the first few months the rare occasion the elder one wanted to sit down I used the sling for th ebaby.

Luckily for me number 3 should be 32 mths by the time number 4 arrives though shes a little behind being prem I'm hoping I wont need to use a buggy for her at all. Unless this one comes at 6 months too

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We have a sling so did think we would use that some of the time, but I suffer with back problems and although it was fine with No. 1 when he was really small it only really worked for about 20min walks after he was about 2mths old. This would not work as we go for at least half hour walks normally.


I had considered a buggy board and was given one by a friend a while back but having taken No. 1 in a shop the other day and had him running everywhere I decided that was not an option for the moment. Also he was really late walking as he had problems from birth so would really restrick where/how long a walk could be.


It really does need to be a buggy, just need some advice on the best type/brand/make.


The above coments have made me think twice about the first wheels, which means I'm really back at stage 1 again! I'm not keen on the phil and teds as the second child always looks like they are stuffed in the shopping basket. I also have several friends who have told me they could not use theirs after their younger one was 6mths as they hated not being able to see properly. I like the idea of side by side buggies but which one........?


Will have a look on mumsnet - never heard of it before!





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ahhh, memories.... :D

my boys are all grown up now but I do remember the worries over having a good mode of transport. I didnt drive and there was just 2 years betweeen them. Because of back problems I was reluctant to use a side by side buggy. We bought a HUGE Streng pushchair the boys were one behind the other but you could put the seats in many positions, face to face (not with small baby) back to back (very useful at times!! :roll: ) or both forwards etc etc :roll: . It cost a fortune at the time. It weighed a ton. But the children felt safe and were well protected, they both loved it. Sure we have a pic somewhere but no idea where. It had suspension like a 'proper' pram. and a huge shopping tray :clap: it was fabulous

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I found asling good for few months but they do hurt your back if you have heavy babies.


I would agree with this statement up until I had my 3rd child. My friend lent me a Hug a Bub sling. It's amazing and really comfortable. I had no problems using it even though I had a csection and he weighed nearly 9 lbs :shock:. I used it for shopping trips etc until he was 9 months old when my friend asked for it back. :shameonu:http://www.hugabub.com/



We own a Phil and Ted and have found it great. Because it can be used as a single buggy, good off road and of course around shop. Hope this helps. :D

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For my first two girls we had a Graco Stadium Duo Deluxe..they still have similar available, although they look a little shorter to me....(.or mine is in the garage...but I doubt I have all the parts now LOL !!)


It is the one where one seat is in front of the other (As opposed to side by side)...its quite long...and when I got mine, the older baby (mine was 15months old) sits in the front with hood etc..and the baby can either lie flat behind her...or you could put the car seat in, and have her facing you...again..hood included....and I bought foot muffs...or whatever theya re called and rain cover.


none of this under the seat horrendous stuff I've seen recently....


It could fit through any single door, could get up curbs without problems..the car we had at the time was a Citroen Xsara I think...so not huge...bu there was no trouble fitting it in the boot..butI'd recommend trying any new pram in the boot of your car before you buy, stores dont usually mind, and one reason we bought that car, was becuase the pram fit in it...I was that women looking at new cars, with large pram in hands to try...


(one car salesman, started talking to my husband, and eventually ignored him for a change, whilst we both lumped the pram in the back of his nice new car to see the size)


I've since seen similar pushcairs, where the mum had two car seats on the same type, of one in front of the other chasis,.....but obviously you wont need this..



best of luck....my mum used mine more as I was in work...and had used a side by side twin pushchair previously for my twin nephews, which she didnt like at all, as she couldnt get into any shops..



Having a baby face you is good, I wish my new pushchair did this...but the one that did, wobbled badly in the store..I was forgetting of course that an older, heavier child wouldnt have the same results...doh!


edited about fifty times now, as the insert key needed setting ...grr LOL

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I have actually now gone full circle! I had decided against the P&T's due to the baby/younger child seeming to sit in the shopping basket. I then found some reveiws online that said a similar thing about them and there younger child screaming due to hating not being able to see from about 6mths and having to buy something else, in my opinion they cost enough and we would not be able to afford to buy again. Anyway I have now decided that against this I will be getting the Phil and Teds, so choice made - horray. Thanks all.


Now I just need to decide between vibe and sports.......? And if the sports the colour.....??? With all the different colours available it would be like choicing the cube all over again :lol:


Michelle :D

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I have a sling, a baby bjorn one with added lumbar support. I tryed several after I first had Pea but although this was the best of the lot 20mins was always the most I could manage with him in it. Hubby will still take him out in it now as he's still under the weight allowence! I however have spent so much money sorting my back out it's not worth not havng a double buggy. I would have to have a buggy for one of them anyway, I may as well make my life easy and have one for the two of them.


Wish the P&T's was a tad cheaper though!



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Unfortunately baby bjorns are notorioulsy bad for the back. I too have a weak back, from old age and 4 children! Having H in the sling is one thing I can do though.


If you want to explore it with a better sling then I can recommend www.slingmeet.co.uk . You can find a group near you and people will let you try and sometimes even borrow slings. Just a thought.

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I have far too many slings. At one point I had over 30 but now I'm down to low 20s. I mainly use Mei Tais but also a Beco (SSC) and a Hotlsings pouch which is good for just popping into the school. I do have a gorgeous ring sling but find them too much hassle and I gave up wrapping when I started back carries because I can't back-wrap for love nor money :oops:

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