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The Chickens have Landed!! (pic link)

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The Wernlas rang and said our chickens where ready so we hot footed it down there and picked up 4 cute little cheeping ladies!!!


There are two at 9 weeks old - Pepper - a Cream Legbar and Honey - a buff plymouth Rock bantam and two at 15 weeks old - Jemima - a Fresian Fowl and Speckle - a specled sussex Bantam!!


They are very cute and it has been awful haveing to go to work and not see them in the day especially with it turning dark so early!!


They are on growers pellets and are eating the grass alot too, today I am working from home though and although they came out to eat their pellets first thing, they keep going back into the eglu en masse?


If I go and look at them through the pop hole they rush out into the run and will do some eating and cheeping but as soon as I shut it and went indoors they went back in again..

is this normal?/ just becuse it is raining?/ practising egg laying?/ or could it be that one of the cats scared them by siting on top of the run..?(he is fascinated by his new 'chicken tv') I have kept him in this morning but they are still hiding inside the eglu..



*anxious new mummy*

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They are still very young, particularly the 9 week olds so its all very new to them. Chickens can take a while to figure out where's home, so its good they are getting used to their new house. Its too soon for them to be thinking eggs tho. Some hens hate the rain and very sensibly shelter inside, so thats good, particularly when they've still got some feather growing to do. Make sure they are warm and dry. But I'd make sure your cat doesn't get too close or inquisitive, particularly whilst the smalls are so small. In fact I keep mine off my eglus at all times, even tho they are terrified of the birds. Generally, your girls are showing quite normal behaviour, I shouldn't worry and in their own time they'll come out more; particularly as soon as they begin to associate you with nice things! Don't be alarmed if they seem to sleep a bit in the day as well, thats what young hens do! Enjoy them - they sound a lovely collection :D

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Thanks Daphne! good to know its all normal.. :)


Yes I do want to try and keep the cats away, the other one does not seem interested at all its just Moo (the one in my picture) who seems fascinted, although he does not seem to have done anything apart from watch them so far, I have to admit I dont trust him fully..


I dont know if this link will work but here are some pictures of them:



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Thanks, yes they are so cute, and so different in temperament already!!


I do want to make them as tame as possible but with them in the eglu and me on the outside it does not seem as easy as I thought :shock::lol:


We do take them out through the pop hole in the evening when they have 'gone to bed' to hold them and get them used to being handled, but in the day they seem very suspicious.. so any taming tips much appreciated!

I have not tried giving treats since them are a bit young for them I thought??

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quite right, they shouldn't be having treats yet. I think they are really quite young so I'd counsel just take it steady and don't expect too much too soon. The 9 weekers are really babies still so they need to get used to the world and people in general and you and their new home in particular. So, just try to be patient. And, it has to be said, some chooks never really take to handling - but you are doing the right thing in picking them up. We have to do it because you never know when you need to be able to catch them/do something to them but I have to say most of our girls aren't terribly keen. One or two will do lap sitting on sufferance, but generally I count myself lucky to have a gently cooing group around my feet. I don't want to put you off because I know loads of people do have very friendly girls and I feel certain yours will get braver given time.

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The look simply gorgeous I'm very Henvious :wink: . I have a Speckled Sussex (large fowl) who is about 17 weeks old and looks like a much bigger version (naturally - doh! :roll: ) of Speckle.


Once they have settled to their new home a bit perhaps you could get them some mealworms (or mini-mealworms) to tempt them out of their run and get them near you in the day time. I do this with my girls - although I have got a walk in run which makes it easier to get close to them. They will be very wary of you to start with so don't take it personally but they will come round they just need a bit of time to adjust.


Don't forget to keep taking pictures of them as they change quite quickly when they are growing and that way you will see just how much they have grown over the weeks.


The may have been kept inside quite a bit whilst they were growing which might be why they are staying inside the Eglu, plus its more cosy in there and they will feel safer in a more enclosed environment.

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When I first got mine (8 - 10 weeks old), I would crawl into the Eglu run and chat to them. They accepted it and got really close to me :D


Don't know how easy this would be you need to be really supple, it did my back in too!


The first pics (with me a foot away from them in the run) are on my album. Not as beautiful as yours though as my Bobbie was badly pecked by her sisters. But her feathers soon grew back.


They are still really tame in that I can go right up to them stroke them (although Skye likes to be stroked more than Bobbie does), but neither likes being picked up too much :? They have a walk in run now, a lot easier on the back! :lol:

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