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Mrs Webmuppet

Sea Monkey Kits

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Little Miss Webmuppet has seen a seamonkey kit in a catalogue and quite fancies getting one. She is one for the science kits ( we've gone thro' a few!). Has anyone any experience of these kits? Are they any good? Any recommendations?


I know its a long shot but I thought someone on the forum always knows the answer to the most obscure questions! :lol:

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My boys got a kit last year, and nothing hatched. :(


Leave a bucket of water outside for long enough though, and you'll have great success - my brothers and I did this every summer for years, and they magically appear in stagnant water. :D

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My son had some a few years ago :D At one point there were hundreds of the little things, but the numbers dwindled over time :( but he did manage to keep 3 going untill they reached a really good size over a matter of months :D


You can get different types, some look like little trilobytes (sp?) 8)


Karen x

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My children have had these in the past and quite enjoyed them. YS also had an ant farm until fairly recently, he really loved the ants and was very particular about feeding them. I was just worried that the cats would knock them over and I would have ants everywhere upstairs. I think the cat knocked the sea monkeys over and YS was distraught that we couldn't save all of them. :|

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My son had some for years. Even when they appear to have died, if you just keep the water, there will be eggs in the detritus at the bottom and more shrimp magically appear. He lost interest quite quickly but refuses to let us throw them away so the container is still on the kitchen windowsill and we get a new generation of shrimp every so often...even if we don't feed them for months on end!


A very easy pet to keep!

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I had triops years ago, and loved them, and then after that when I was in year 5 (I'm not in Lower Sixth :lol: ) I got sea monkeys. I had 3/4 of the little tanks, and if they die we used to send off and get more food and eggs (you have to pay for them in the shops :wink: )

I remember taking them to school in a special watch you could buy, and syringing them up to put them in the watch.


I want to try them again now! :mrgreen:

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