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Hole In The Wall

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Ive just got in and turned the TV on - BBC1.


Oh my life i have never seen anything like this. :shock:


A large polystyrene wall with a human shape cut into it moves towards a player and they have to create the shape so the wall moves passed them. If they fail to make the shape they get knocked into a pool of water.


Is this what Saturday night entertainment has come to?! :shock:

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Terrible isn't it? my brother just put it on to show me how bad it is as I had not seen it before, I thought he had turned over to Dave or Challenge or somesuch obscure channel. I had to be told three times it was BBC1 and I made him put it back on to prove it :lol:


I know its for charidee but come on!

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:lol: What else did you think you were paying your licence fee for :lol:

Its right up there with golden balls on my list of most hated.

Bring back generation game anyday!

Oh and while I'm ranting tomorrow is the start of that jungle rubbish where the z listers get to eat bugs, think I'll ditch the tv and just watch the chickens :shock:

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Don't get me started on wasting my license fee.


Daft "celebrities" dancing


Dumb wall things


Last nights "aren't we wonderful" fest


Not even any Friday with JR to save them ATM.


Thank goodness for BBC2 - Gardeners World last night


Top Gear tomorrow anyone???


At the moment James and I are watching "The building of the Queen Mary" for the umpteenth time on Discover - peppered with him saying - "we saw that, I remember that" every 2 seconds!

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:lol::lol: And what they have to wear ain't too flattering to say the least :shock::lol:


What? You mean you wont be making your very own version of the silver lycra affair and wearing it when you are next out shopping?! :wink::lol:


It's on my Christmas list :wink: I'm thinking of wearing something similar when I go into work next - just to see the look of shock on everyones faces! Maternity leave does strange things to people :lol::lol::lol:

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...we turned it on...and looked in horror, we had managed to avoid it...previously


then husband started laughing...at their suits, at the fact that they were knocked into the water...at thier suits again...


oh goodness I suspect we will be watching.....and at least they dont swear..


middle gel thought it funny too.......we are dooomed......


(the shame of it, and I have avoided the likes of galdiators and such all my life) !!!!!!

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