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Cube Bulit and ready to go!

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Cube arrived on thursday built on Saturday and now has pride of place in our garden!......shame I have to wait till spring for the chickens though! (we are going on a 2week holiday and dont feel fair leaving them under someone else care straight away)


I stuck my head in the door way and noticed the light shining through..are the chicks going to be warm enough? there seems to be a lot of ventilation could this be too draughty for them? does anybody cover their cube in the colder months?


Going to get list of all things needed together and slowly sneak them into the greenhouse storage space! so O.H. doesnt notice just how much I am spending! although to be honest it was all i could do from stopping him going to get chickens straight away!


from Michelle and her empty cube! (cube green) any tips on things I might need would be useful


thanks for reading! x :D:D

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Going to get list of all things needed together and slowly sneak them into the greenhouse storage space! so O.H. doesnt notice just how much I am spending!


Now there's a plan....... :D Why didn't I think of that.


Don't worry about ventilation holes, the cube will be warm in winter and cool in summer. Chooks must have good ventilation.

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Welcome to the forum!


I have only had my chickens a short time but have one peice of advice - buy what you need now as you will not have a free moment to go shopping once they arrive!


Factor in 10 mins care each day plus 3 hours chicken-watching :D


You wont regret getting chickens.

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Thnak you for replies! really cant wait to get going! Say to my self every morning "come on out girls" as if there already there!! (madness has set in!)


Cube looks great though..............just need the chooks.


I know what you mean about watching them I go to our local garden centre where they have some and could stay for ages, real characters are'nt they?


Just have to decide which breed to get now.... want big chickens so my dog will be chased off!


Love reading all the posts and picking up such good tips from everyone :lol::D


(cube green) (EMPTY! BUT LOOKS GREAT!!)

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Say to my self every morning "come on out girls" as if there already there!! (madness has set in!) (cube green) (EMPTY! BUT LOOKS GREAT!!)


Just you wait...... I talk to my "girls" all the time. Goodness only knows what the neighbours must think???? I say hello girls everying morning and chat whilst they follow me around the garden....... They'll be carting me off soon :shock:

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Thanks for the replies! I dont even know how to get my signature! let alone a ticker set up?! help?


We go away for xmas and then I was told to wait till spring as there wont be many chicks around in Jan/Feb? certainly not point of lay hens, but I have been considering ex batts, do they become tame? and how about their health? does it prove a problem?


Gosh you all seem to know me already! no I cant wait......... OH said yesterday they are definately not coming into the house!! but it seems they follow you in!.......better not show him that post!


I want BIG hens hybrids ithink? :?:think: any recommndations?


Margalot (cube green) still empty!

help me get a signature???!!! :D:D

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I don't know where you are but Merrydale at Leicester advertises having POL hybrids all year round. Its nice looking at their chickens anyway. If you put it in google you'll find them. :D


Ive got Omlet hens a pepperpot and two gingernut rangers. They are wonderful, here is a video to prove it. (any excuse to show them off)



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