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I emailed omlet about mark 3 and purple eglus and got a reply from Barbara...

[the purple eglu] is going to remain in production rather than be a limited edition colour as it's proving so popular. I don't know the answer to the Mark 3 Eglu question, I'm afraid because it's still very much in the design stage at the moment. It won't be due for sale for a while yet, as far as I'm aware.


Kaz where is your webcam (as in URL)?


YAY! Means I might be able to get one when I have enough money!!! I'm trying to get the red eglu from Chickadee at the minute, but I'll only get it if it can be delivered. Devon's a bit too far.

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I'm not advertising the chook / duck cam link on any websites, as it faces the back of my house.. but if you PM me I will send you the link.


Wireless webcams are a bit pants... and "hackable". We just spent £25 on a cheap IP webcam off ebay, and just have a wire leading from it to the router.


simple :)

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