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Escaping chicken!!!!!

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Does anyone else have trouble with their chickens escaping? :shock:


My araucana cross - Maude - has been out for another jaunt today and I am thoroughly stressed! We have seven foot fences all round but she must be getting a foothold on the climbing plants and leaping over! The last time - that I know of - was about three weeks ago and that was ok (sort of) because she went in my neighbours garden who I am very friendly with. Today I finally found her in a empty house's garden over my back fence and I don't know anybody over there!


She is confined to barracks at the moment but what can I do - I have clipped her wing already again! My neighbour thought we ought to get some of that flexible plastic trellis and bend the top over so that when she flies up she just hits her head on that and can't get over. Do you think that would work?


I'm thinking I am going to have to buy an identity tag for her leg with our address and phone number on!! :shock::wink:




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We had to clip Hillary's wings after she managed to fly onto the top of a 7 foot hedge, and sat eyeing up the grass next door.


Clipping one wing has been enough to knock her balance, and is a pretty easy thing to do, if you follow the Omlet instructions, and you have 2 pairs of hands!

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We trained our chooks to come to us: maybe you could try this and then if she does go further astray you can just call her back!


We trained them by always making a particular sound when giving them food. Because we wanted a sound that other people (holiday sitters) could make, and not just us, we bought a little shaker-rattle thing. It happens to be egg-shaped(!) but we found it in a musical instrument shop. We just shook it before giving them treats, every time at first.


We actually rarely use it now, but even so if we do shake it they just come running whatever they're doing - it's so ingrained they don't seem to be able to resist it! They get really excited!


Whenever we do use it we make sure to always reward them. Its great, and really reassuring for sitters who are worried about getting them back in the run.

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:D Thanks everyone,


Well we've clipped her other wing and put some trellis between a possible escape route between the fence and wall and now we are just keeping our fingers crossed. When I give them any treats I always say 'Come on Chickees!' in a high voice and they all come running which I did on Saturday to try and flush her out but with no success - she was just being very naughty!!! :evil:




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I agree it's an Araucana thing.....Ha'penny my Arauncana has been airborne, if not exactly flying! I was really interested to read this post and will be keeping an eye on her. I'm curious though - you said her hairstyle restricts her view, but Ha'Penny's is sort of slicked back, Elvis style. Does yours go forward?

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Starlet was trying to get out this morning. The first time she jumped on the gate to their run. We pushed her off just in time. The second time she jumped on top of the gate and off the other side into our garden. The third time she tried to jump on top of the wooden run. But as there is chicken wire along the top of it she flew into that instead and caught her head on the edge of the wire. :roll::lol::lol: Silly thing!

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She is a lovely hen, if slightly dotty :roll: I would love to breed chickies, but I don't really have the room and would hate to be over-run with unwanted chooks :shock:


I am sure that if you advertised on the P P and pekinbantams.com forums, you might come across another cross like her Miss Cooks. I know that Tamsin, who is on this forum has Polands, perhaps she would cross with an Araucana hen for you.

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