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Cate in NZ

Cross stitch

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I don't know if there's anyone else out there who indulges in a bit of cross stitch as a hobby, but if there is you might be interested in this fabulous pattern I've just been given.

It's of 15 different breeds of cockerels, in a kind of chicken wire effect background, that's not a very good description I'm afraid, but I think that it looks good.

I used to do a lot of Cross Stitch, but got bored with it whilst making a picture for a friend's childs' Christening, and because that became such a chore rather than a pleasure I stopped stitching. But son saw this magazine in the local newsagent today (he does a paper round there, and was hanging and browsing the mags whilst waiting for the manager to be free to pay him), and bless him, he saw the picture on the front and thought of me, so brought it home as a gift :D

Anyway I can feel my stitching fingers starting to twitch, so with any luck I'll find the time to start stitching it soon :wink:

Oh, nearly forgot to say, it's in the Sept 06 edition of "Mary Hickmott's New Stitches".

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Oh Kate! Sounds right up my street. I love cross stitching but have 3 half finished projects on the go at the moment. I'll look out for that though as it sounds more exciting than the 3 I've started :wink: .


Thanks :D !

That sounds like me Kate, I get bored and start something else and a whole new project. I'm suprised I've stayed with my recycled hens scheme, but I glad I did so.

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Oh Kate! Sounds right up my street. I love cross stitching but have 3 half finished projects on the go at the moment. I'll look out for that though as it sounds more exciting than the 3 I've started :wink: .


Thanks :D !


That sounds very familiar - I've got at least 3 ongoing, possibly more. Although a ckicken one would possibly get finished quicker than the others!

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I used to do tins of cross stitch,but have stopped over the last few years.

There is a nice one of a big stripey cat laying on a shelf of books,half done & tucked behind the sofa :lol:


Oddly enough,I have just been handed a box of my Mums stuff,& as she ran a B&B there are heaps of cross stitches saying "no smoking" & "Breakfast is served at 8am" & so forth.

I have no idea what to do with them .....anyone have a B&B who can make use of them???

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I have loads on the go :oops:


I also have a box full of completed designs 'wating to be framed' some have been in there for at least 6 years :lol:


Exactly the same here Louise...Lots of Baby pictures...trouble is, the babies they were destined for are now mainly teenagers! :lol::lol:

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well I managed to buy the magazine today - but it's supposed to have 15 chickens on it - so they've printed the instructions for 9 in this issue - and the next 6 will be in the next issue. Bit of a scam really - considering it's £3.99 each - and I only wanted the one pattern!

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I don't think that you really need the 2nd issue. The pic of all the birds with the colour symbols is on p53 in the layout diagram. The symbol chart is provided in this issue so you know what threads you need, so all that will be published next month is the larger, coloured pictures of the 6 outstanding birds. There's enough published this month to get a flavour of the style etc, so all you need is the enlarged pics, with symbols of those 6 birds.

That's where a photocopier with enlarger comes in handy :wink:

I'm afraid I used to do that all the time with these 2 part deigns, and up to now it's always worked a treat :D I'll try to photocopy mine at work next week, and if it comes out OK I can always send you a copy if you want- then you can decide if you can work from it.

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