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The Final Countdown........

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I have the same problem Ginette :lol:


Born in scotland and went to school here until I was 8 then completed my education in England and I can't get my head around the terms up here :roll:


Staff come in and ask to book time off for various holidays around the school year and I haven't got a clue and tell them I need actual dates :lol:


Doesn't help that I don't have children either :shock:

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In Surrey we have just changed the Easter holidays, so that they are no longer fixed around Easter. This year (2006) Easter fell at the end of the two weeks, in 2007 it will fall on the middle weekend and then in 2008 Easter won't be in the Easter holidays at all! We will have a long weekend in March (I think Good Friday to Easter Tuesday) and then the Easter holidays will be in April.



One of our local schools has been doing this for quite a long time (the City Technology College) and it seems that the school holidays are kind of arranged around Christmas. They then have 6 weeks at school, then a week half term, then another 6 weeks, then a 2 week holiday, and so on. Apparently it gives them a 4 week summer holiday, a 4 term school year and the traditional 2 week Easter holiday is a moveable feast, so that some years they just get the bank holidays at Easter and a 2 week holiday in March, or whenever. It can be annoying as the children at that school may not have any local friends off school at the same time as them, but they don't get any of the really long terms when everyone is tired and fractious at the end of it.

Apparently plans are in process to change all our local schools to this system, but I have mixed feelings about it :?

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That's what Wiltshire are gradually doing: We have a week and a half for the October half term as the Autumn term is always the longest. Easter is just like places of work, where you get your bank holidays off only.. The "Easter break" can be anywhere, so as to even up the lengths of the terms.

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That's what Wiltshire are gradually doing: We have a week and a half for the October half term as the Autumn term is always the longest. Easter is just like places of work, where you get your bank holidays off only.. The "Easter break" can be anywhere, so as to even up the lengths of the terms.

That sounds like Surrey. What Kate was saying about reducing the summer to 4 weeks was considered here but rejected. Only 4 weeks over the summer? I'd hate that!

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We are on a 6 term year here, & I quite like it.

It means every term is about 6 weeks long, then there is a break of at least a week,& we still have 2 weeks at Christmas & Easter & a 6 week summer.

They also get a school report at the end of every term which is great as you can really keep an eye on their progress 8)


I love having the girls around for 6 weeks in the summer.....I would loath it if they only got 4 :shock::?

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