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Guest chookiehen

Complaing about call centres

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Does anyone know who I would contact to complain about a call centre constantly phoning me?


3G mobile phones are bombarding me with unwanted calls, I must have spoken to their call centre 6 times in the last fortnight - it's like because I hang-up on them, I just get added back onto the 'to call' list.


Normally I try and be nice to cold callers - they're only trying to earn a living after all, and it is a horrible job (chookiehubbie used to manage a call centre, so I've heard the tales), but this call centre is really getting on my goat.....



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Its the TPS (telephone preference Service) but it takes 6 months for the to get all your details uploaded onto company lists. I'm on it: Its brilliant..... we hardly ever get calls and when we do (maybe 3 x a year), you say "Have you heard of the TPS"?....and it goes really quiet the other end of the line.... :lol:

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Try the TPS (Telephone Preference Service) http://www.tpsonline.org.uk/tps/ You can register to stop receiving cold calls, then if they do still call you, you complain through the TPS.


I used to work in customer service and telesales in my previous life, so I'm as understanding as anyone with the poor call centre workers. However, I can usually tell a cold call before it's even started (that silence before you are connected to someone in a noisey office) and hang up before they even start. Either that or I just say a firm No Thank You as soon as they start. Sometimes though, I just let them read their script while disappearing to make a cuppa :twisted: !

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