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For ANH. My dad didn't step away from the saw.

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He has cut down my tree, like we wanted him to :D




I'm left with all this Saturday morning






After a couple of hours work stripping off the little branches I'm left with a big pile of wood for my dad to use on his fire ( out of shot in front of the gate), a sore hand from using the secators & a tidy garden.






I'm about half-way through.

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nor mine. I've spent the weekend battling with a renegade bramble bush - called Himalyan - and I feel as if I climbed a mountain or two! It was planted by an elderly neighbour 50 years ago and has been spread by birds - everywhere. It now terrorises gardens left, right and centre. The blackberries may be wonderful but the thorns ain't. I have scratches, splinters and ache all over.


However, three little bantams have had a wonderful time. They moved in after me, hoovering up the insects, and loosening the soil as I macheted my way through - I think they earned their treats tonight! Especially as I'm clearing ground for a WIR and another eglu.. A real chicken workforce.

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